Physical description

a/ Music Advancement Society of Bendigo, Second Concert 1956, Town Hall, Bendigo. The Pascal String Quartet. (Official String Quartet of the French National Radio). Violin: Jacques Dumont, Maurice Crut, Walter Gerhardt. 'Cello: Robert Salles. Monday, 23rd April, 1956. 8.15pm. Hon. Secs. Madge Edgar, Mary Stanistreet. Programme. Advertisments: Allan's, Allan's Walk, Bendigo. Frank J. Every & Sons, Hargreaves Street, Bendigo. Phone 874. Edgars', 293 Hargreaves St., Bendigo. Phone 238. b/ Music Advancement Society of Bendigo, Wednesday, 10th April, 1957. Darrenin String Quartet. Hon Secs.: Madge Edgar, Mary Stanistreet. Programme. Advertisements: Frank J Every & Sons. Hargreaves St., Bendigo, Ph. 874. A C Hampton, Mitchell St., Bendigo, Ph. 241. Edgars Autorised Newsagency. 293 Hargreaves St. Bendigo, Ph. 238. c/ Music Advancement Society of Bendigo, Presents the Third Concert 1957 series. Brian Hansford, Baritone, Graeme Buchanan, Piano. Town Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, 25th September, 1957, 8.15 pm. Hon. Secs.: Madge Edgar, Mary Stanistreet. Advertising Phillips and Deutsche Recordings available at Allan's, Allan's Walk, Bendigo. A C Hampton, Newsagent stationer, Mitchell Street, Bendigo. Ph 241. Edgars' Authorised Newsagency. 293 Hargreaves St., Bendigo. Telephone 238. d/ Music Advancement Society of Bendigo Presents the First Concert 1959. Presenting Nancy Weir, Pianist. City Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, 11th March, 1959. Hon. Secs. : Madge Edgar, Mary Stanistreet. Advertisements: Allan's A C Hampton, Edgars'. Pinned inside newspaper article titled 'Pianist Held Audience. Nancy Weir enthralled her bendigo Audience in the City Hall when she opened the 1959 concert series for the Music Advancement Society. Miss Weirs' 7th visit to Bendigo, 5 of them under the auspices of the MASB. Her unaffected style, her great reserves of strength for one so diminutive . . . Name of newspaper not included.

Inscriptions & markings

Bolton Bros. Pty Ltd., Printers, Bendigo