Physical description

The Oliviers, A Brief Chronicle. As featured in the Saturday Book No. 6 here produced as A Tribute to The British Council and to assist The food for Britain Appeal. Price two shillings and sixpence. Huthinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. London, New York, Melbourne, Sydney, Cape Town. Australia, 1948. This booklet gives a history of Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh (Sir and Lady Olivier), pictures of Laurence from childhood through his career. Also pictures of Vivien Leigh working with Laurence Olivier. b/ 'Olivers To Make Nation Wide Broadcast.' Paper cutting, section from a paper 'The Listener In' July 24-30, 1948. c/ 'Food Appeal By Oliviers In Farewell Broadcast. ' The Olivier's will contribute their fee of about 5000 pounds to the Food Appeal. In Melbourne it will be relayed through 3DB, 3AW, 3XY & 3AR. The sponsors of the Lux Radio Theatre have donated 1000 pounds. Paper cutting 4 September, 1948. What the Oliviers Will Remember. d/ What the Oliviers Will Remember. Oliviers thank Australia and told of their memories of Australia and it's people in a Nation wide broadcast over the ABC and some B class stations. Australian banks will cooperate by receiving money for food parcels. Company leaves.

Inscriptions & markings

Huthinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.