Historical information

This is a set of 24 photographs taken at the Warrant Officer and Sergeant’s Mess Summer Ball held at the Army Survey Regiment (ASR), Fortuna Villa circa 1990. Photos of personnel and their guests was taken on their arrival in locations inside Fortuna Villa and its surrounding gardens. The Ball and Dinner was held in the gardens of Fortuna Villa and in temporary 20’ x 30’ Army tents set up on the roadway in front of the transport compound. Australian Army Catering Corps staff provided the catering. Refer to item 6455.14P for additional photographs taken at the Summer Ball. An additional 21 photos of less historical value have been scanned but not published.

Physical description

This is a set of 24 photographs taken at the Warrant Officer and Sergeant’s Summer Ball held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa circa 1990. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi.
.1) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO2 Tom Pattison with his partner.
.2) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO2 Tom Pattison (at rear) with his partner and guests.
.3) - Photo, colour, c1990. Terry Danger with his partner June.
.4) - Photo, colour, c1990. L to R: unidentified guests (x2), Terry Danger and his partner June.
.5) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO1 Brett Van Leeuwen with his partner Juana.
.6) - Photo, colour, c1990. SGT Graham Hales with his partner April.
.7) - Photo, colour, c1990. SGT Graham Hales with his partner April.
.8) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO2 Phil Smalley with his partner Donna.
.9) - Photo, colour, c1990. SSGT Peter Imeson with his partner.
.10) - Photo, colour, c1990. Unidentified SGT with his partner.
.11) - Photo, colour, c1990. SGT Steve Drummond with his partner Helen.
.12) - Photo, colour, c1990. RSM WO1 Graham Ragless with his partner.
.13) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO2 Mick Flynn with his partner Carol.
.14) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO1 Steve Hansen with his partner.
.15) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO1 Wayne Rothwell with his partner Karen.
.16) - Photo, colour, c1990. SSGT Steve Hill CSM with his partner.
.17) & .18) - Photo, colour, c1990. SSGT Noel McNamara with his partner.
.19) & .20) - Photo, colour, c1990. SGT Gary Kerr with his partner.
.21) - Photo, colour, c1990. WO1 Allan Virtue with his partner.
.22) - Photo, colour, c1990. SGT Brian Paul with his partner.
.23) & .24) - Photo, colour, c1990. Unidentified SSGT with his partner.

Inscriptions & markings

.1P to .24P – There are no annotations.