Physical description

Double sided bi-fold leaflet advertising subdivision site, layout of streets and allotments, summary of local features and services and terms of sale.

Inscriptions & markings

Auction Saturday June 14th, 1919. 55 Lots. Subdivision includes Warrandyte Road, Tamar Street, Mersey Street and Derwent Street. Property Sales - Dunlop & Hunt Home Builders Ltd., 317 Collins Street, Melbourne, Tels 10104-10105. Agents - J.B. McAlpin, Tel. Ringwood 7. Auctioneers - Sydney T. Haynes & Co., 60 Queen Street, Melbourne, Tel. 3400. Solicitors - Hodgson & Finlayson, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne. Inset photographs of local views including existing 4-roomed bungalow on Lot 37 Tamar Street.