Physical description

A small green format school reader No 353 from the Whitcombe's Story Books series : The Crooked Brownie for Ages 8 to 9 Years. The title is printed in red lettering on the front cover with the series above and age group beneath in black lettering. Inside a black lined rectangular shape is a lined drawing of a frog talking to the brownie - on a sign is written 'Samuel Frog Furniture Maker'. 1/- for the cost is in the right hand bottom corner. Inside the front and back covers are additional series Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd publishes. The story has 10 chapters with black and white illustrations. Pp62.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

Inside on the title page and p.47 is a purple stamp for 'State School No 1801 Silvan' inside an oval shape. It has handwritten 210 inside the stamp which would be the school numbering system for it's readers. Chapter III - A new Friend has red pencil markings underneath many words.


A school reader for children ages 8 to 9 years. The brownie has many adventures.