Physical description

A badly damaged vintage 1915 hardcover children's book with the title Chatterbox. printed in white lettering at the top of the front cover which has a green coloured background with an illustration in a large circle of a dog with a red bandana wrapped around its head, lying in a straw lined box. A black cat is sitting looking at the dog and is wearing a blue ribbon with a bow around its neck. It is sitting near the dog's food bowl. The yellow and red coloured outside of the back cover has an advertisement for "Pears" soap with 'The Night of the Bath' printed underneath. The title page is missing as is the frontispiece coloured illustration usually found in these books. The pages 1 - 18 are missing. There are black and white illustrations, diagrams and coloured plates in the collection as well as puzzles, poetry, and stories for children. Pp. 400. The endpapers have several advertisements related to children, their health, food and sweets included. Its condition shows it was very well used.

Publication type



A vintage 1915 Chatterbox collection of puzzles, poetry and stories for children with black lined illustrations and coloured plates throughout.