Photograph, North West Mooroopna Primary School
Other items from this collection
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Silk and Barbed WIre
Information about the Lancaster aeroplane during WW2, their crews and their stories.
Soft covered book, off white colour with black title and sketch of barbed wire fence, watch tower and huts; aeroplane, parachute and search lights. At bottom is a barbed wire circle with an eagle over it. Spine has title in black print. Back has a black and white photograph of a Lancaster crew.
lancaster aeroplane, ww2
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, From Great Depths. The wreck of HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran
A coffee table book with information and photographs of the wrecks of HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran.
Black hard cover landscape book. Spine has name in blue on it. Dustcover is black with title and author in white and a section of the wreck of HMAS Sydney. Spine has title in white and back has a paragraph about the book in white ink.
hmas sydney, hsk kormoran
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet - Magazine, Behind The Fence
Original copy of magazine which was done in the internment camps during WW2. In the possession of Captain MacInnes.
Multiple loose pages of typed, drawn and hand written articles, drawings etc with a brown front cover with title and dates in black. Tied together with two holes punched in left side and a piece of cord, threaded through and tied.
Behind the fence, Sept 1940 - September 1941
behind the fence, captain macinnes, internment camp magazine
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
USB, Anzac Day 1941
Anzac Day 1941 video of guards at Camp 4, Tatura.
USB containing a video of Anzac Day 1941 at Camp 4 Tatura.
camp 4 guards, anzac day ceremony, anzac day 1941, alan macinnes
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Work on paper - Menu, Farewell Dinner menu
Original menu for farewell dinner for Captain MacInnes.
tan piece of paper. landscape, folded in half. Front cover has a colour drawing of a ship, flying the medical red cross emblem. Under this is hand writing in black ink and the medical insignia of a snake and wand and wreath. Inside on right page, in black ink, handwritten is the menu. Back page, in black in is the signature of people whom attended the function.
Farewell Dinner to Captain A MacInnes, D Company 17th Garrison Battalion
captain macinnes, alan macinnes, d company 17th garrison battalion, internment camps ww2, medical officer camp 4 tatura
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Collegium Taturense
Made at the internment camps, during WW2 by the internees. This one was made to celebrate the first anniversary of their internment. Only 20 copies were made and this one is number 17. Contains program for the celebration, a water colour of the huts done, list of the board of lecturers, a black and white postcard of the carving of the Arandora Star memorial, a poem "Rubbish" by Volkmann, a description of what is and what represents the Collegium and a sketch entitled "turning his back" by Kurt Winkler.
Soft cover of brown paper with title of booklet in black ink on front.
Collegium Taturense Anniversary 1941 - 1941 (picture of an own and cockatoo sitting on a twig under which is written "eppyr si mvove"
ww2 internees, collegium taturense, arandora star memorial, poem rubbish, volkmann, kurt winkler, turning his back, 1st anniversary internment, captain macinnes
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Uniform - Army Uniform, Captain MacInnes
Army issue uniform worn by Captain Alan Finley MACINNES, a MO at D Company 17th Garrison Battalion stationed at Camp 4 Tatura during WW2.
Army issue jacket, trousers and hat, made in army issue material, olive drab colour. Hat has leather band and army badge. Material for the uniform is Berathea wool cloth with an open collar two epaulets and two metal subdued Australian Rising Sun badges affixed to the lapels. Both epaulets display three metal pips indicating the rank of Captain and metal "AUSTRALIA" shoulder titles.
as above
ww2 army uniform, ww2 army captains uniform, captains uniform, captain macinnes, alan macinnes, medical officer internment camps, d company 17th garrison battalion, camp 4 tatura
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, A Bountiful Harvest - The Story of William and Rose Donaldson and their Descendants. compiled by Cheryl Elliott, 2024
Hardcover publication with a dust cover featuring a black and white photograph "threshing at Oakley in 1907. John Donaldson's machine, Andrew James Donaldson operating. Title lettering in Green and white.
william donaldson, rose donaldson, cheryl elliot, temora, tatura, donaldson, harston
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, "Nimitybelle" A sense of Place 1871 - 2014
A history of "Nimitybelle" the property at Tatura East settled by pioneering selector Robert Craven and is descendants, who through the generations have taken turn as custodians. The book was compiled by Lynne McCartney.non-fiction
A history of "Nimitybelle" the property at Tatura East settled by pioneering selector Robert Craven and is descendants, who through the generations have taken turn as custodians. The book was compiled by Lynne McCartney.
nimitybelle, tatura, tatura east, craven, mccartney
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Equipment - Postage Stamp Vending Machine
Australia Post Wall mounted postage stamp vending machine used to dispense stamps.
Metal postage stamp vending machine. Wall Mounted. Embossed letters POSTAGE STAMPS on front. Horizontal slots for coins have been covered with plates stating NOT IN USE and OUT OF SERVICE. White metal plate with the wording STAMPS 5 CENTS. Two Key holes. Recepticle for the dispensing of stamps with a lift up lid with Embossed words LIFT.
Postage Stamps; lift;
post, stamps, vending machine, australia post offices, postage stamps, tatura
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Per non dimenticare
Contains information on internees and pow's who were interned in Australia.
ring binder containing 231 pages of information. Front cover has black writing on a background of a plaque. Back page black.
giovanni abbodino, gaetano agnello, emilio ascolese, giulio barbieri, rudolfo bartoli, raffaele bellezza, angelo brigada, ovidio bulfalini, amerigo campagna, carmelo caraccioli, domenico caruso, luigi casadio, guido cavagna, gino cherubini, nicola ciannella, giovanni ciccocioppo, salvatore cirilo, alessandro ciuccariello, antonio colletti, corrado crescenzio, martino d'aniello, cosomo de cataldo, vincenzo de furia, vito de santis, settimio di biagio, michele di conza, gaetano di damaso, gaetano di nino, antonio di pierro, nicola evangelista, angelo faa, bruno fabbri, bruno falai, giuseppe fazzino, luigi fiocchi, vincenzo foresti, luigi fornaroli, saverio foti, antonio fracasso, nicola francavilla, giuseppe frattari, rinaldo fronzoni, enzo galloni, rodrigo gammelli, gennaro gatta, ezio giorgini, antonio grego, domenico lanzano, francesco leone, natale lunghetti, francesco magri, pasquale mancuso, felice marasco, donato margarella, giuseppe mastroieni, eliso mattioli, mario menichelli, michelangelo merola, benedetto miele, stefano mola, pietro monfredi, salvatore morosillo, ugo morra, tommaso mosetti, domenico muscolino, agostino naibo, sante olivieri, alfredo oriolo, giuseppe pierro, arcangelo pignatelli, francesco primiano, antonio primoceri, antonio propati, domenico ramundo, antonino restuccia, alessandro rizi, carmine romano, giuseppe russo, michele salciccia, lodovico salvati, pietro salvati, michele sblendorio, antonio scabari, agatino scuderi, eugenio shivitz, cesare sottocorno, antonio spagnuolo, giuseppe spina, luigi sportelli, orlando vadolato, angelo venditti, cafiero veneri, cresimino viti, carmine vizzari, attilio zanier, giuseppe bassanelli, pasquale bottigliero, giovanni battista battaglia, giovanni cabrini, salvator caruso, erminia centonze, michele cordera, giovanni costa, giuseppe dani, giovanni de maria, michele fagiano, guglielmo fama, francesco fantin, giulio felloni, francesco ferrari, ernesto gandolfo, gino gavioli, girolamo giovainazza, marguerita interlandi, mario roberto librio, pietro lucchesi, graziano maio, giuseppe maresciallo, girolamo marina, fiore martinelli, pietro moscardini, raffaele musitano, pasquale pacitti, marco panozzo, giuseppe rossetto, ilario rossi, luigi sgiarovello, giambattista stasi, alfio torrisi, francesco marco turra, antonio villella, crescenzo divito, guido gonnella, louis jaconelli, riccardo massarelli, colombo riani, orlando ugolini
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Domestic object - Pillowcase
Cotton off white pillowcase with green and sepia label attached.
Guaranteed British Manufacture.
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Punch vol CL-CLI 1916
A weekly magazine of humour and satire first published in 1843 and finished in 2002.
Large hard covered book. Brown with black corners and spine. Gold print on spine
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Family Tree, Clarke Rees Family
Folder containing photographs and information regarding the Clarke Rees family.
Grey archives folder containing family tree information.
young, rees, clarke, pullbrook
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, German Kormoran Survivors
German Kormoran survivors going ashore
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, A Secretive Century. Monte Punshon's Australia
Tells the life story of Ethel May Punshon, from Ballarat to St Kilda Victoria, spanning over a century and the crucial historical events she witnessed.
Soft cover paperback. Front cover has white writing for title and author. Pink and orange speckled background. Lady in a brown jacket and tie, with cream shirt and holding a double barrel shotgun. Spine is speckled orange with book title in white. Authors name in a white section. Back cover is orange and pink speckled with a white section giving a blurb about the book and author.
ethel may punshon, monte, miss montague, mickey and erica morley, camp 3 internment camp
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Painting - Pastel Drawing
Dr Frederich Kaempfe, a Chemist, was interned in Camp 3. He was captured in Iran on 15/09/1941 and transferred on the Rangitiki to Loveday South Australia. Transferred to Tatura in Feb 1945 and released to Sydney on 20 July 1946.
Pastel drawing of a large gum tree surrounded by smaller gum tress in an undulating paddock.Blue hills in the background.
F. Kaempte 1945
camp 3, tatura, painting, gum tree, pastel, art work, kaempfe, chemist
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Die Nibelungen Besprechung
Written by Hans Wolter von Gruenewaldt, a German internee, who was interned at Camp 13. A theatre group was established within the Camp to present plays and concert performances and thus Die Nibelungen, a trnditional German Legend by Hempel was to be staged. There are 3 editions of this book. This is a copy of Hans Wolter's original version.
White cardboard front and back with a black strip as edge binder. Title in black with D and N in red. 24 pages in soft cardboard.
hans wolter von gruenewald, german internees, camp 13 murchison, camp 13 internees, camp plays, camp 13 theatre group
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Paperback Book, The Merry Mis-Adventures of Meg & Peg, 2021
Author Margot Warnett grew up on a Dairy farm just outside Tatura
A4 size paperback book with predominantly blue sky and an illustration of two girls standing on a wire farm gate. One girls has a purple check dress on, black gum boots and holding a white rabbit. The other girls has a blue dress, gum boots and holding a black duck. A white and brown horse, a calf, a sheep and farm dog and a lizard are also in the picture. The two girls are also pictured on the back cover.
Written by Margot Warnett Illustrated by Julie Haysom
warnett, book, children, meg and peg, dairy farm
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book - Paperback Book, The Bootmaker of Berlin
Berlin, 2010: A deathbed promise launches Kathy Giuliano on a quest for the truth about her family during World War II. Alone, she travels to Berlin in search of an enigmatic octogenarian who holds the keys to the past. The only clues to his identity and whereabouts and are a black-and-white photograph and an outdated address in Reinickendorf. England, 1938: After fleeing Nazi Germany for the safety of England, a teenage boy is captured when Churchill gives the order to 'collar the lot'. One of 2,000 prisoners on the hell-ship Dunera, he is sent to Australia. At the 'family camp', he makes footwear and forms life-long friendships. Eight years later, what does he find when he returns to Berlin? Victoria, 1943: With the Japanese at Australia's doorstep, a mother and daughter are arrested at their cane farm in far north Queensland and sent 'down south'. Their crime? Teaching the Italian language to school-children. The internment camp at Tatura changes everything. The secrets they share must be kept for the rest of their lives.Mauve and Pink cover with a painting of a large brown lace up boot. The book title is depicted on a wrought iron sign.
Berlin, 2010: A deathbed promise launches Kathy Giuliano on a quest for the truth about her family during World War II. Alone, she travels to Berlin in search of an enigmatic octogenarian who holds the keys to the past. The only clues to his identity and whereabouts and are a black-and-white photograph and an outdated address in Reinickendorf. England, 1938: After fleeing Nazi Germany for the safety of England, a teenage boy is captured when Churchill gives the order to 'collar the lot'. One of 2,000 prisoners on the hell-ship Dunera, he is sent to Australia. At the 'family camp', he makes footwear and forms life-long friendships. Eight years later, what does he find when he returns to Berlin? Victoria, 1943: With the Japanese at Australia's doorstep, a mother and daughter are arrested at their cane farm in far north Queensland and sent 'down south'. Their crime? Teaching the Italian language to school-children. The internment camp at Tatura changes everything. The secrets they share must be kept for the rest of their lives.
ww2 italians, internment, tatura, queensland, debbie terranova, berlin
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Painting - Painting - watercolour - copy, South Africa from Ferry
Painted by George Rosenkranz
The watercolour has a thin black border around it, a 1 cm brown paper frame, a 4cm plus white mat and framed in a brown wooden frame. Picture is a view looking down into a valley with a pointed top mountain in the centre of the picture. Blue skies with a bird flying in right side. front of mountain are a couple of trees, rocks, grass and plants.
george rosenkranz, south africa
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Artwork, other - Fujitsu, Sei
Sia Fujitsu, the son of Jiroguma Fujitsu was born on 27 May 1926 in Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan. His trade is listed as Employee of Culture and his religion is Buddhist. He was captured at Tawao, North Borneo on 27th January, 1942 and was interned in Loveday South Australia until he was repatriated to Japan on 21st February, 1946. Kurt Winker was born in Germany in 1902 and was a survivor of the "Arandora Star". He was sent to Australia on the "Dunera" where he was interned at Tatura 1940-1945.Sia
Photocopy of a pencil and ink Portrait of a Japanese youth Short black hair, dark eyes and pink lips. He is wearing a jacket that appears to be too large for him and white collar and beige coloured tie. There is light blue shading around is head and shoulders. Japanese lettering in black ink on the left of the picture translates to his name "Sia FUJITSU". Signed in black ink by artist Kurt Winkler, Loveday, 1942.
Kurt Winkler LOVDAY 1942
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp 13 Reunion
Camp 13 Murchison Reunion of ex guards and pow's in 1974
1 Black and white photograph of Gerhard Kruger, wearing a tartan tie check shirt, pen in right hand.
gerhard kruger, murchison, camp 13 murchison, camp reunions
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Recollections of Camp 3, Tatura
Written by Gerda Kuebler, telling her recollections of life in Camp 3 Tatura during WW2 as an internee from Palestine and a Templer.
3 double sided A4 pages of typed copy, in plastic sleeves. Original also in file.
gerda kuebler, camp 3 tatura, palestine internee, templer internee, internment camps ww2
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Kyabram Methodism
History of the Kyabram Methodist circuit from its foundations in 1874 to the year of its centenary, but it is set in the context of the greater Methodist Church both here and in England.
Yellow hard cover book with dust jacket of yellow with green stripes and white section. Back of dust jacket white with part of the yellow spine showing. Title and author is in black on front and spine. Drawing of a dragon (yellow) on a limb (green).
kyabram, kyabram methodist church, w h bossence
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - Norm Whitford
Dispatch rider Norman James Whitford. Army Garrison
Black and white of dispatch rider on his motorbike
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - Norm Whitford
Dispatch Rider/Driver Norman James Whitford V18848. Garrison Battalion
Black and white portrait photo.
whitford, norm whitford, 17th army garrison, garrison
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - Pte Albert Russell
17th Battalion AMF Garrison Sentry. Private Albert Russell.
Black and white photograph of soldier on sentry duty outside camp. The soldier is in full uniform and holding a rifle with bayonet. A small corrugated iron hut. a large wire gate, supported by timber poles. Accommodated huts are inside the fence.
camp, 17th garrison battalion, albert russell, mould, russell, tatura
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Tool - Giant Tin Snips
Given to Peter Forster by Jack Muir of Tatura. Peter was told it was made in Camp and given to him.
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Sergeant Jim Sullivan
Jim Sullivan was posted to Camp 4
Black and white photograph of man casually sitting on a rock. black shoes and Sergeants strips on his pullover.
sullivan, camp 4, japanese, tatura