Physical description

A large red, blue and cream wavy lined paper patterned covered Norman Bros., Minute Book with burgundy tape on the spine. This blank book was used by the Silvan Progress Association. Minutes of the first meeting were taken Sat March 1th 1916 and the last minutes were held in the Library Mechanics Hall on 5th Oct. 1922. The book is filled with Minutes of the monthly meetings and has two paper insertions - a Mont De Lancey Wine List with three wines and their prices per bottle. A second quite damaged paper is: Wandin ? Progress Association Inaugurated 26th Oct 1912. The meeting was held Jan 11, 1913. It lists the monthly meetings and minutes taken up to March 28 1913. The third document is a copy of 13 typed pages from the Shire of Lilydale to The Hon. Secretary, Silvan Hall Committee, Silvan. It includes a list of names of Guarantors and witnesses.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

There are two paper insertions - an Invoice Wandin Yallock April 30th1909. Mr Aitken for The Evelyn Preserving Co. Limited Manufacturers of Pure Jams and Jellies. Terms Cash. On the same paper The Colonial Bank of Australasia Limited stating a Sale and acknowledgement receipt of a letter and the enclosure of a remittance, signed by the manager. See photograph for full information.
The second insertion is dated Sept 1950 - a Survey of cost of Production Berry Fruit Wandin Silvan Area. Youngberries. Based on Land at 100 pounds per acre and average 2 ton crop. Full details are listed.


This blank book was used by The Australian Primary Producers Union Wandin Branch. Minutes of the first meeting were taken Nov 20th 1947 in the Seville Hall and the last minutes were on 23.11.1954.