Historical information

Items in the collection re:
"William Anthony (Bill) THEODORE DSM".
Refer Cat No. 7926P for his service record.

Physical description

Certificate - cream coloured paper with black and cream coloured print. Illustrated in colour with Navy, Army, Airforce and Nursing personnel above crossed flags - Union Jack and Australian above scroll work and City of Bendigo. Coat of Arms/crest bracketed by dates "1939 - 1945".
Red coloured embossed "City of Bendigo" Seal lower right.
Frame - clear varnished timber with cardboard backing, no glass.

Inscriptions & markings

Inscription on certificate - "TO YOU WHO SERVED/ THE CITIZENS OF BENDIGO/ EXPRESS/ DEEP THANKFULLNESS/ TO "W. THEODORE"/ Long as the heart beats life/ with in the breast/ And Freedom, Love and Plenitude endure/ So may your sacrifice for these/ be Blessed/ And Honour, Pride, Integrity ensure/ "A. Truscott" Mayor/ ??? Town Clerk".