Physical description
Parent Record for Archive collection of photographs and documents relating to Ringwood East Primary School
Parent Record for Archive collection of photographs and documents relating to Ringwood East Primary School
Two engraved metal plates (unmounted) - Ringwood East State School Athletic Sports Premierships in 1966 and 1967, and Ringwood Mail newspaper clipping dated 25 August, 1966, regarding basketball premiership records achieved by the school.
RDSA /Athletic sports/Premiers 1966/ Ringwood East State School 4180 RDSA /Athletic sports/Premiers 1967/ Ringwood East State School 4180 Newspaper article includes: ... At the metropolitan semi-finals on August 17, East defeated Pascoe Vale 23-17, and in the final, East, in a close-fought match, defeated Campmeadows 33-31. The members of the team are: Elizabeth Campbell (capt.), Rhonda Dick (vice-capt.), Lynda Williams, Janine Stubbs, Kaye Hinds, Pauline Grotto and Jenny Cleary, and the reserves, Margaret Taylor and Rhonda Clarke. The girls are coached by Mr. John Deany.
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named but not teachers.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
A letter to the Mayor, Borough of Ringwood in reference to Egg Day for the hospitals dated 25/9/28 from G.E.Hatfield. Ringwood East school children to bring in eggs and to be collected on the 10th October 1928.
A letter To the Town Clerk Ringwood from the Ringwood East State School dated 13.10.1931 applying to the council for the use of the Ringwood Reserve On Friday 23 in order to hold the Annual sports of the Ringwood and Mitcham Disctrict Schools Sports.
4 letters from the Ringwood East State School to the Town Clerk regarding the making of Everard Road in front of the School. Letters dated May 18th 1931, November 13th 1931, March 16th 1932 and 12th October 1932. The first three letters from C.A. Walmsley and the final one from E Thompson.
A letter dated 30 June 1939 to the Town Clerk Ringwood from E Thompson Ringwood East School Committee advising the Council that the culvert on footpath in Whitehorse Road is in a very bad state of repair. Also requesting that the footpatch be formed or continued along from the Burnt Bridge to the municipal boundary.
A letter to the Town Clerk Ringwood from E Thompson Ringwood East Scool Committee dated 15 June 1935 conveying thanks to the Council for the picture of the King on the occassion of the Jubilee.
A flyer announcing the Eighth Annual Grand Fete and Bon Fire in the school grounds on Saturday November 1. 2 pm till 10 pm. Supermart, Competitions, Monster Barbecue, Afternoon Teas. Advertising by GEO Dorman Quality Butcheries, Fruits and Vegetables Gregory & Son, Phillips Corner Store, Fisher's Electrical Goods, East Ringwood Hardware, J. W. Freeman, and All Groceries F and B Preiser.
A one page document on the history SS 4180 Ringwood East. In 1916 a petition signed by 33 residents was presented to the Minister of Education by Mr J Rouget M.L.A. stating the need for a school at Ringwood East. The District Inspector Mr A.N. Barry recommended a full time school for 75 to 100 children. The building was commenced in 1923. A second 3 page document on the history of the school written by J Hookey and states the 4 acre site was purchased from Mr Ted Lindsay for somewhere between 200 and 300 pounds. A.E. Wieland of Camberwell erected the the school at a cost to the Department of 2,227 pounds. It was opened on July 7th 1924 by the Head Teacher Mr Walter Whittle. 59 pupils were enrolled. Arthur Meyland was the first pupil enrolled. By 1969 the school consisted of 15 classrooms and a central library.
Photo of First day at school 66 years ago. Also newspaper article by Jo-Anne Roberts dated 29/8/1990. A school reunion is being held September 8. Guest of honour was Mrs Linda Cathill (formerly Miss Pump), who along with Ms Kay Setches gave official speeches.
Various newspaper articles on Ringwood East State School. Headings of articles and dates are as follows: Opening Festivies 8/8/24, Ringwood East State School Committee 18/5/27 and 11/5/1927, Ringwood East Ladies Guild 1924, Old Scholar's Club 1934, School Social Held 1924, 1928 and 1934, School Concert 1927, School break-up 1930. Also a photo from the Mail 21/9/61 of the first school Parents Committee Mr & Mrs Hodgkins, Mr Perry, Mr Hann, Mr Meyland, Mr P Klix and Mr Crooks. A hand written note about the purchase of the land from Edward Lindsay and the school was opened by W.H. Everard MLA on 6th August 1924.
Pdf of Transcriptions of the Ringwood East SS Pupil Registers covering registrations in the period Jan 1951 - Mar 1982 The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS) and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at Ringwood and District Historical Society. Images of each of the register books are held in VC items 7510 and 7524. The particular image number of a page relating to an entry can be found from the attached searchable transcription pdf.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note that a new registration numbering system was used from part way into this register. Registration numbers run from 3933 to 4224, then numbering starts again at 7801 through to 7867. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180-Pupil Register Images. A searchable transcript of all these images can be found as a pdf in VC Record 7509. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Registers are held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of these was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. ( The registers were transcribed in 2021-2022 by Sue Breese, Archivist at RDHS.
Ringwood East State School No 4180 - Red covered register which contains handrwitten alphabetical indexes to locate pupils' registration number from their name. Each page has been scanned. This register is not searchable electronically. Hoever VC Record 7509 contains the transcriptions of the actual pupil registers as a searchable pdf. Note: For a high resolution copy of one or more images, contact Ringwood and District Historical Society (RDHS). The original Register is held at Public Records Victoria (PROV). Scanning of this register was commissioned by RDHS and undertaken by Mark Grealy, Archival Access in 2013. (
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios
Made in 1977 at Ringwood East Primary School; photos of each class, one of the teachers. Students named.
Located in a 15-page photo album with silver coloured cardboard covers with blue cloth spine and blue printing on front, plus 1 loose photo. Includes class photos.
School year 1977 - Martin Joyce colour studios