Historical information

In 1959 Princess Alexandra of Kent visited Australia as the representative of Queen Elizabeth II for the Queensland Centenary Celebrations. Her six week visit began with her arrival in Canberra on 14th August 14 and she departed from Canberra on 26th September. Time spent in Australia included 3 weeks in Queensland. Her Royal Highness' visits to New South Wales and Victoria were comparatively brief and informal. In New South Wales she made two country visits including to Albury and a night spent at Bungowannah Park near Jindera.
Her visit to Victoria began in Wodonga where she officially opened the Pollard Archway over the Causeway. She received an enthusiastic welcome as she approached the Archway accompanied by a motorcycle escort.

As Princess Alexander stepped forward to take the scissors from a red plush case, her Lady-in- Waiting, Lady Moyra Hamilton, tugged at the Princess' sleeve, whispered and gave her a coin. The Princess handed the coin a halfpenny to the Wodonga Shire President, Cr J. S. Hore, saying: "I must give you this, otherwise it might be unlucky." (The halfpenny "gift" stems from an old English superstition that a "sharp" gift such as a knife or scissors must be dulled with copper or else a friendship will be lost.

After cutting the ribbon and declaring the Pollard Arch, named in honour of Councillor Charles Pollard M.B.E. she was presented with a bouquet by 10-year old Leslie McLeod. Princess Alexandra led by a pipe band was driven along the Hume Highway and High Street which were lined by thousands of people including school children. After a short trip along High Street and Elgin Street to the Railway Station she departed from protocol to speak to the many children who had crossed the barricade. Princess Alexandra then boarded the Royal Train for her journey to Melbourne.


This item is significant because it represents the visit to Wodonga of Princess Alexandra in 1959.

Physical description

A pair of scissors in a red box. The bottom of the box is lined with red cloth and the lid is lined with white silk bearing the trademark "Jewelcrest". The scissors are engraved with the maker's mark for GIESEN & FORSTHOFF/ SOLINGEN GERMANY

Inscriptions & markings

On top of Box.
The Official Opening by Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra of Kent
0f the Cr C F Pollard MBE Archway
Wodonga 16th Sept 1959

On Scissors: