Historical information

Irene Mildred Wharton (1888 - 1983) the only child of Thomas Llewellyn Wharton and his wife Mildred, lived most of her early life in Bendigo until her marriage in 1911. Her father worked for The Bendigo Independent news newspaper as compositor and printer until his retirement in 1913 from lead poisoning. Apparently, printer's ink contained lead in those days, and he had health problems from a buildup of lead in his system.

Physical description

Child's teaset made of China - originally belonging to Mildred Wharton; used by three generations. Teaset has blue and green leaves on a white background. The tea set consists of:
1 tea pot and lid
1 sugar bowl and lid
5 small cups and saucers
1 small cake plate (for cakes / biscuits)
1 small bowl for jam / cream

Inscriptions & markings

no maker's marks