Letter - Electricity comes to Wodonga - 1912 letter to Mrs Beardmore

Historical information

Mrs Jessie Beardmore, wife of the Shire President, Mr Henry Beardmore, was invited to switch on the electrical current at the power house in Wodonga on 15th January 1912. This was not the official opening of the newly installed system which took place a few weeks later. Disagreement existed amongst Shire Councillors about the official opening, several of them including Mr Beardmore believing the opening should only take place when the scheme was completed.

However Dr Schlink, Mr D. M. Stavely, Cr Twomey and Mr C. Holloway, Engineer for the Electric Lighting Company, arranged a small ceremony to turn lights on for the first section of the scheme. This included street lighting along Sydney Street between South Street and the Shire Hall as well as a few business houses and private establishments, with the balcony of the Terminus Hotel illuminated by over 100 lights. Other areas and buildings were connected over the following weeks. Mr Beardmore was not present at the beginning of proceedings but joined the crowd in the street.

During a small number of speeches, credit for his work to instigate and further the introduction of electricity to Wodonga was given to Councillor Twomey, referred to as “the father of the scheme”.


This item is significant because it records the first connection of electricity to Wodonga in 1912.

Physical description

A hand written letter addressed to Mrs Beardmore of Wodonga. A portrait of Mrs Beardmore is also included. A transcript of the letter is included below.

Inscriptions & markings

Wodonga 15 -1-12
Mrs Beardmore Wodonga
Dear Madam,
Mr Holloway, Engineer for the Electric Lighting Company, has invited me to invite you as the wife of the Shire President to switch on the electric supply for the town at the power house not later than 8.30PM (this evening). Hoping that you and Mr Beardmore can make it convenient to attend.
I remain yours sincerely,
R. H. Schlink


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