Functional object - Radio Transceiver

Historical information

This transceiver was made by Merv Collins, a long-time resident of Wodonga. His call sign VK3AF) is attached to both of the radios.

"Merv" Mervyn Aubrey Lascelles Collins was born near Horsham Victoria in 1922. He and his family moved to Wodonga in 1965 so that he could work at the newly opened TV transmission station at Mt Baranduda, to Wodonga's south.

He was passionate about electronics and radio, becoming an Amateur Radio (Ham) operator in the 1950s. He had an amazing understanding of the science, allowing him to build the majority of his equipment from scratch, often without a circuit diagram. Through his resourcefulness, Merv frequently modified old black and white TV's and other equipment destined for landfill, incorporating them into gear ranging from transceivers to test equipment.

Merv’s handiwork allowed him to talk to people all around the world. He lived in Leonard Street, Wodonga for over 40 years, and the antennas that rose from the back yard were a local landmark. He passed away in 2010, a proud Wodonga resident and keen "Ham" to the end.


This item is significant because it was owned by a local resident who operated it in Wodonga for over 40 years.

Physical description

Two radio transmitters used by a ham radio operator in Wodonga.

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