Book - Illustrated book, Gwynedd Hunter Payne, Proper Care: Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital 1940s-1990s, 1994

Physical description

Illustrated hard cover book with dustjacket. Book bound in dark blue canvas with title, authors name and publishers name in gold on spine. Dust jacket has dark blue background with the title and authors name on front and spine. Also on front cover is image of painting of a poppy by Des Norman. On the back cover there is an image of a 1947 hand coloured map of the Repat

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

Printed coloured donation sticker: AHNL logo, "This book was donated to AHNL Inc-Nursing Archives by" the Alfred Hospital Nurses League 18/7/17 (handwritten in ink) Also previous catalogue number handwritten in ink


History of the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne from its creation, when it took over the 115th (Heidelberg) military Hospital in 1947 up to 1994

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