Equipment - KIT BAG, 1939-45

Historical information

Refers to service of "WALTER HAROLD LITTLE" VX 69788. Enlisted 29/12/41, Age 20, Discharged 27/6/46. Rank Pte. 2/108 Aust GTN TPT Coy.
This kit bag travelled Alice Springs to Larrimah NT and return for three years, then Borneo, Tarakan and Balikpapan.

Physical description

This is a canvas kit bag. Brown colour. It has a series of brass eyelets around the lip. It has an internal cover flap.

Inscriptions & markings

Bottom of bag has been painted black, then the number “92329” in white paint on that. There are two blue and one white stripe there as well. On the side of the kit bag is written “VX 69788. Little W.C.H”

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