Equipment - Thoracic suction measurement unit, Bookcase 1, shelf 4, AHNL Archives Room 8, unknown

Historical information

suction regulating device


Of significance to AHNL as similar to equipment used by nurses

Physical description

Large glass test tube, with rubber stopper with two holes in top. Through one hole is inserted a long hollow glass tube, through the other hole is inserted a plastic y connector. On one arm of y connector is a short length of orange rubber tubbing, to the other end of this tubing is another larger y connection, with another short length of orange rubber tubing, with a metal clamp attached to bottom. The test-tube is attached to a varnished wooden board by two metal brackets. At the base of the test tube is a small wooden shelf for protection. On this backboard is a marked gradient of 60 cms. Two instruction diagrams are attached.

Inscriptions & markings

Old catalogue number

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