Historical information
In the late 1800's and early 1900's kitchens were built separate from the main house for safety, as the open fire was used daily for all cooking, washing and heating of water. This very heavy strong fireplace crane could support several items such as cast iron kettles, pans and boilers which were hung on the hinged swing-arm, known as a “crane”. The metal arm was swung out from the fireplace to access the hot water in a kettle relatively safely.
Physical description
A black cast iron fireplace crane with a supporting pole bolted to the wall in the side of the brick open fireplace. It has a swinging handle with a rectangular hand grip at the end to move it over or away from the fire. The metal arm was swung out from the fireplace to access the hot water in a kettle relatively safely. There are holes in the bar for hanging hooks which kitchen cooking pots may be hung. Two small hooks are welded to the bar and there are two small removable hooks and two long ones.