Chadwick-Miller Office Calculator

Historical information

Used for adding and inventory work
The Speedie was a manual adding machine that could not perform subtraction. It consisted of eight columns and five rows of keys in both maroon and ivory. It had a nine digit display that could add up. It could perform multiplication by using repeat action.
If you examine the keyboard you’ll note that it only shows numbers 1 through 5. If you want to use numbers 6 through 9 then what you do is hit two keys that add up to that number.

Physical description

Simple office adding machine
Made from Bakelite
Chadwick-Miller Inc (CMI) was a Boston based importer of low-cost gift items and stationery products sourced mostly from Japan.
These products were branded as Chadwick-Miller although CMI was not a manufacturer. It is known that Chadwick-Miller was in business in 1960, although its founding year is unknown. The company dissolved in 2007.

Inscriptions & markings

Speedie add-a-matic

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