Functional object - monel metal female urinal, K.G.Luke
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Part of the collection of the Alfred Hospital School of Nursing
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This media item is licensed under "All rights reserved". You cannot share (i.e. copy, distribute, transmit) or rework (i.e. alter, transform, build upon) this item, or use it for commercial purposes without the permission of the copyright owner. However, an exception can be made if your intended use meets the "fair dealing" criteria. Uses that meet this criteria include research or study; criticism or review; parody or satire; reporting news; enabling a person with a disability to access material; or professional advice by a lawyer, patent attorney, or trademark attorney.
Please acknowledge the item’s source, creator and title (where known)
Part of the collection of the Alfred Hospital School of Nursing
used by nursing staff to assist women to void when bed ridden
an essential item in providing care to non ambulant women
Physical description
Silver coloured metal female urine collector, funnel shaped neck with rolled metal opening, bulbous collecting chamber with flat base, curved handle to upper surface
Inscriptions & markings
176-024 black texta on base and sticky label blue ink to base, engraved - PARAMOUNT/STAINLESS STEEL/K.G.LUKE/63, WARD 4/AH engraved to superior surface