Historical information
A small wooden school (22' x 14') was erected in Sandon by Father Patrick Smyth in 1859 (and at Golden Point) which was used for Mass and came to be regarded as a chapel. Twenty-three years later, a brick church was built by Father Allen at a cost of 1,000 pounds. The Church was blessed by Archbishop Goold on May 6th 1883 and dedicated to St Laurence. The 1940s saw some refurbishment and in 2002 a major restoration project was undertaken. St Laurence's was restored from roof to footings, by a dedicated band of volunteers and trades people. Work was completed mid 2003 and in November 2003 St Laurence's was re-dedicated with the celebration of Mass and a picnic tea.
Physical description
Black and white photograph of a brick church at Sandon, Victoria.