Photograph - 3 SQUADRON RAAF PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTION, Groundcrew, aircrew and other personnel

Historical information

The seven photographs shown above are part of an anonymous donation, by a relative, of the photographic collection of a former member of No. 3 Squadron RAAF 1939-1945. They cover the African, Sicily and Italian campaigns.
The entire collection comprises 175 photographs. The collection has been divided into sets depicting various aspects of 3 Squadron operations.
The above images are representative of this particular set of 45 photographs, featuring aircrew, groundcrew and other personnel. The museum has digitized the complete set.

Physical description

Set of 45 black and white photographs featuring groundcrew, aircrew and other personnel . The full set numbering and description is as follows:
9665.01P Africa 14-7 The end of a burnt out Kittyhawk.jpg
9665.02P Africa 16-2 Ikingi Maryat camp near Alexandria.jpg
9665.03P Africa 18-5 Benghazi.jpg
9665.04P Africa 22-1 Tripoli.jpg
9665.05P Africa 23-5 Cooks at Marble Arch Africa.jpg
9665.06P Africa17-3 Pongo Dan Hughes in underground hut El Hamma.jpg
9665.07P Airfield Italy.jpg
9665.08P Antiaircraft.jpg
9665.09P Bofors crew.jpg
9665.10P Bomb 1.jpg
9665.11P Bomb 2.jpg
9665.12P Bomb 3.jpg
9665.13P British regiment awaiting invasion embarkation.jpg
9665.14P Caption Cape Fil Ami.jpg
9665.15P Christmas dinner Foggia 2.jpg
9665.16P Christmas Dinner Foggia.jpg
9665.17P Crashed Italian aircraft.jpg
9665.18P DC 3.jpg
9665.19P Dead German artillery crew.jpg
9665.20P Goundcrew 3.jpg
9665.21P Graves desert.jpg
9665.22P Graves in Italy.jpg
9665.23P Groundcrew 1.jpg
9665.24P Groundcrew 2.jpg
9665.25P Italy Foggia 3.jpg
9665.26P Italy Foggia 4.jpg
9665.27P Italy 2.jpg
9665.28P Italy 21-3 Foggia.jpg
9665.29P Italy Foggia 10.jpg
9665.30P Italy Foggia 2.jpg
9665.31P Italy Foggia 5.jpg
9665.32P Italy Foggia 6.jpg
9665.33P Italy Foggia 7.jpg
9665.34P Italy Foggia 8.jpg
9665.35P Italy Foggia 9.jpg
9665.36P Italy Foggia.jpg
9665.37P Italy.jpg
9665.38P Jack Jones in a cargo bus DC3.jpg
9665.39P Jack Rourke and his uncle.jpg
9665.40P P40 Maintenance.jpg
9665.41P Sicily on the way to Sicily.jpg
9665.42P Sicily DC3.jpg
9665.43P Sicily Douglas DC3 .jpg
9665.44P Tripoli Kings Birthday Tripoli.jpg
9665.45P Unknown pilot.jpg

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