Book - Illustrated book, Bryan Egan, Ways of a hospital: St. Vincent's Melbourne 1890's-1990's, 1993

Physical description

Illustrated book with dust jacket. Book is bound in black material, with title, author's and publisher's name printed in silver ink on spine. Dust jacket has background of mid-blue with narrow re borders top and bottom. Title in red, silver and black ink, authors name in white print on front and spine. Also on front is an oval shaped colour photo of the hospital. on the back cover is an image of the hospital logo and motto traslation in white print

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

On right front-end paper is coloured donation sticker: AHNL badge (red and blue ink) and blue printed words: this book was donated to AHNL Inc-Nursing Archives by. St Vincent's Hospital Archives 21/8/17 Barbara Cytowicz (written in black ink). Previous catalogue number written on white sticker also on this page at top right. Old catalogue number also written in black ink on title page


Founded as a religious hospital by the Sisters of Charity in !893, St Vincent's has become a distinctive part of Melbourne life. 'Ways of a Hospital" offers an engrossing look at the development and the culture of the hospital and it's place in the social history of the city

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