Historical information
Great celebrations took place in Albury, NSW for the celebration of the Centenary of the Hume and Hovell expedition. The Hume and Hovell journey of discovery to Port Phillip took place during 1824-1825. On November 20, 1824, they successfully crossed the Murray River not far from Albury and proceeded on a route to Port Phillip. To celebrate the Centenary of this crossing, the city of Albury held a series of activities during the week of Sunday 16th November to Saturday 22nd November 1924.
As part of these celebrations the Albury Race Club held a special race meeting conducted on Thursday 20th and Saturday 22nd November 1924. This badge was produced as a memorabilia for that meeting. Prize money over the two day meeting totalled over £3,000. The star events were the Centenary Cup of I mile and 3 furlongs with a prize of £1000 (one thousand pounds) and a Gold Cup valued at one hundred guineas, donated by Mrs. Jas. Mitchell of Tabletop, and the John Campbell Handicap of one mile carrying $500 and trophy valued at 50 guineas donated by the chairman of the Club, Mr. J. Campbell. A gold whip donated by Mr. Norman Crow was presented to the jockey riding the Cup winner.
This item is significant because it is an example of memorabilia produced for the centenary celebrations for the Hume and Hovell Expedition.
Physical description
An enamelled fob medallion featuring a central image with a tree at the top and text. The tree is the Hovell Tree at Albury. The central image is of indigenous man facing Albury’s civic buildings with the Murray River in between. The fob is attached to a blue twisted cord.
Inscriptions & markings
1824 1924
20th and 22nd Nov 1924
On back: 244B SIMPSON