Historical information

The postcard letters continue on one from the other in text on the rear. They talk about Training camps in England for those who have not gone to France yet and others waiting to be posted back to the front.
Cards are to the Father of C.J.C. McQuie MM. refer Cat No 9680P for McQuie's service details.

Physical description

.1) Envelope with address in purple indelible pencil, no other markings.
.2) Post card B & W showing 4 images rectangular shape with 3 oval images imposed over, on rear is text in blue pen.
.3) Postcard sepia tone showing a street scene, on the rear is text in blue pen.

Inscriptions & markings

.2) "Sutton Veny 19/11/18 - Dear Father", "Longbridge Deverill"
.3) "Warminster"

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