Physical description
Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / List of figures / List of tables / List of plates / Introduction / Historical context / Methodology / Results and interpretations / Discussion / Recommendations / References / Appendix 1 - Plates / Appendix 2 - Content list / Appendix 3 - Copy of Heritage Victoria permit.
Publication type
This report documents the results of archaeological test excavations conducted within the grounds of Villa Alba in Kew. Archaeological testing was commissioned by the Villa Alba Museum Management Committee as part of the design development stage of a proposed landscape reconstruction. The project was directed by Maddy Atkinson in consultation with Jeremy Smith (Heritage Victoria) and James Broadbent (landscape architect for VAMI Inc). The field team consisted of undergraduates and graduate volunteers from La Trobe University, Monash University, the University of Melbourne and Holmesglen TAFE. Archaeological testing took place on Monday 8th April and Wednesday 10th 2002.