Document, Dr James Broadbent, The Garden: A Report, 2005

Physical description

Introduction / p1.Features of Heritage Significance / p1-2. Garden Reconstruction (The Flower Garden, South East Shrubbery, The East lawn, The Back or North Garden and Fernery, Privy Fishpond and Conservatory Area, Planting as at 19/7/2001 and later, The Replanting of the Garden, works Awaiting Completion: Stage 2 of Garden Plan) / p2-7.

Publication type



Villa Alba’s garden is a reconstruction, but in its design it is as accurate to its late nineteenth century form as the available evidence and Xavier College’s requirements, allowed. This is so, despite the 1890s garden having been progressively destroyed, built on and reformed as a hospital garden during the third quarter of last century. Yet, with its combination of preserved architectural and some archaeological features, and a largely accurate re-created form, Villa Alba’s new garden is a major interpretational component of the property which allows the visitor to comprehend its original design and functions and provides an essential historical context for the house as a major suburban villa.

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