Physical description
Book with yellow cover, title and authors names printed in blue ink on front cover, title printed in blue ink on spine. Summary of book printed i n blue ink on back cover. Book contains black and white photos of contributors
Publication type
Inscriptions & markings
Inside the front cover at the bottom left is a printed black and white donation sticker: black Maltese cross in circle, "This book was donated to Alfred Archival Association Nursing Division by" A.H.N.L. (handwritten in black ink). The previous catalogue number is also written in black ink on this sticker. At top right of front-end page, the words " Alfred Archival Association - Nursing Division" are stamped in black ink. The authors have signed their names on the title page. On contents page, annotations have been made beside contributors who graduated or staffed at the Alfred Hospital
This book presents nursing history in narrative form from the career stories of mother and daughter/son nurses, spanning from 1908 - 1992. These descriptions of nursing work are exciting examples of reflective practitioners in story-telling mode.