Book - "Sovereign of the Seas" book or manual for the ship model hobby enthusiast, Harold T. Bodkin, 1933, "Sovereign of the Seas", Popular Mechanics Press

Historical information

Jim (James Bernard) Williams, who was the owner of this manual, was a long-time resident of Warrnambool having the opportunity to work at two notable historical businesses of the town. The first, Cramond & Dickson a drapier store established around 1852-1855 and which remained a store that traded under the same name for the longest in Victoria, before it closed its doors in 1974. The second business was Fletcher Jones a highly successful textile and clothing Australian business. Some of Jim’s spare time was devoted to the model ship making which would conjure up many fascinating stories of maritime history. In addition to Jim witnessing the tail end of ships at port in Warrnambool, his "father was as sea captain and operated his vessel in Bass Strait coastal trade between Tasmania and Victoria". The intricately detailed model made by Jim is full of precise detail. The manual and the blueprints held by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also reflect the intricate process and devotion to the task completed by Jim. The history of the shipwreck and maritime stories of the Victorian Southwest coast surrounding Warrnambool would have continued to inspire his passion. Three photos of the model and Jim, like the photo of Harold T. Bodkin in the manual, attest to the enthusiasm and enjoyment that was gained by him through this hobby.

The manual opens to a photo of “Mr. Harold T. Bodkin adding finishing touches to model of the “Sovereign of the Seas”. The “Forward to Reader” which is on the next page is written by “E. R. HAAN, Technical Editor, Popular Mechanics Magazine. The forward explains the methodology used to achieve the fine detail that is part of the body of the model, by “applying imitation carvings”, and is cited as “a museum type of model”.
The following page “Blueprints and Craftmats on the ‘Sovereign of the Seas’” discusses the availability of a set of blueprints to purchase separately. Followed by a description of the moulding process for the “miniature carvings”. “Historical Notes of Interest on the “Sovereign of the Seas (1637)” follow on the next page.
The manual is divided into the following parts from pages 8 to 71: “Part I – Shaping the Hull/Part II – The Rudder, Quarter Galleries and Gunports/Part III Wales, Gunport Covers and Initial Ornamentation/Part V – Beakhead Decoration, Bulkhead and Rails, Etc./Part VI Carvings, Lanterns, Knights, Bitts and Painting/Part VII – Details of Mast Construction/Part VIII – Standing Rigging/Part IX – Running Rigging and Final Details. All of these instructions include photographs and detailed graphs. Then instructions on “How to Read and Use Ship-Model Drawings”, “The Shop-Model Maker’s Tools”, and “Simplified Ship-in-a-Bottle”. This is finished off with “Helpful Hints….” And numerous pages of advertising. Some adverts include aids for completing the “Sovereign of the Seas” model.
Part I uses blue and black ink to illustrate a dramatic picture of the “Sovereign”, otherwise all print is in black ink on buff paper.


This book in significant to the collection as it was donated along with other tools and blueprints which have been used by the donor of the "Sovereign of the Seas" model ship. It also connects with the wider community in that it is related to historical maritime interest and the donor, Jim Williams is also connected to other significant retail and manufacturing businesses of the past in Warrnambool.

Physical description

This manual has been covered with brown paper, including an extra strip for the spine. The front has a watermark at the top middle, some pencilled compass circles segmented into eight parts across the area and a small amount of script writing. The back also has the same type of compass circles and some other small shapes. There are also grease marks. The cover has a patina adding to variations of colour to the paper indicative of the book being handled often.
The title page reads “Sovereign of the Seas” in an Old English font. This is followed by a lithograph print around 1 inch square of a ship at full sale. By HAROLD T. BODKIN/Charter President of the Ship Model Club of Chicago/Copyright, 1933, By Popular Mechanics Company/POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS/CHICAGO/Printed in the U.S.A.

Inscriptions & markings

By HAROLD T. BODKIN/Charter President of the Ship Model Club of Chicago/Copyright, 1933, By Popular Mechanics Company/POPULAR MECHANICS PRESS/CHICAGO/Printed in the U.S.A.


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