Historical information
The sphygmomanometer is an early diagnostic instrument used to measure blood pressure. Since the discovery of blood circulation in 1628, the search for accurate, convenient, simple, and non-invasive tools has led to evolving measuring devices and cuffs. Until the twentieth century, few doctors tolerated the inconvenience of blood pressure measurers and relegated the exiting tools to laboratory research. The mercury and later aneroid sphygmomanometers provided the accuracy and portability required for clinical use.
The sphygmomanometer is an early diagnostic instrument used to measure blood pressure. Since the discovery of blood circulation in 1628, the search for accurate, convenient, simple, and non-invasive tools has led to evolving measuring devices and cuffs. Until the twentieth century, few doctors tolerated the inconvenience of blood pressure measurers and relegated the exiting tools to laboratory research. The mercury and later aneroid sphygmomanometers provided the accuracy and portability required for clinical use. In common daily use by nurses for clinical assessment of patients' blood pressure.
Physical description
metallic box and contents -The sphygmomanometer is enclosed in the beige metal container. There is a click opening button on the exterior inferior end. The lid lifts via an internal hinge on the superior end to reveal a glass cartridge tube calibrated to 300 millimetres of mercury. The case and meter were manufactured in Germany (according to original museum catalogue worksheet) and identified as the “Mercurius Miniatur Modell.” The dark green rubber bulb and of tubing are in good condition. The black cotton fabric cuff shows signs of wear and is frayed at the bladder insertion opening. According to the company insignia on the bladder, it was manufactured by ACCOSON in England.
Inscriptions & markings
superior lid - silver metal plaque in centre, engraved P.T.S., right corner of lid - white sticky label - black ink 176-01, manufacturers stamp inside lid - SPHYGMOMANOMETER/Mercurius/MINIATUR MODELL/Made in Germany, serial number 342308, on base of box, white paint - 176-01