Administrative record, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "One Man Cars", 11/1919

Historical information

Set of records and items concerning the operation of one-man trams in Ballarat by the Electric Supply Co of Victoria, The North Melbourne Electric Tramways and Lighting Co (NMETL) and Bendigo trams. Comprises:
1 - Notes on Ballarat One Man Fare Box Cars - fares, tokens, style of trams, fare boxes, headways, and issues. The second page has operational statistics, insurance, and routes operated - dated 8/11/1919.
2 - Motorman's Daily Record Fare Box Car - small card
3 - Adjustment of Fares form
4 - Daily Report of Cars Inspected form
5 - Report of Accident or Unusual Occurance form
6 - Driver's Running Journal form
7 - Car Mileage form
8 - Driver's and Conductor's Cash Statement form
9 - Fare Box Cash Statements
10 - Colour pencil sketch plan view of front of tramcar
11 - two sheets "Cars in Service and Headway" - Keilor Road Route and River Route - NMETL
12 - Letter re times of a reported journey or trip and passenger numbers in Bendigo - pick up, numbers and running times for a Bendigo route - evening trip with a one-man tram.


Yields information about the operation of fare box and one man trams in Ballarat, including notes on NMETL and Bendigo operations.

Physical description

Manila folder marked "One Man Cars" containing 12 items of various sizes with some folded to fit the folder. All pinned with a brass clip.

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