Physical description
Slim Bound Wages Ledger Book, Dark Green Cover, for perriod 1949-1953. Nothing written on spine. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Wages Ledger Book, Dark Green Cover, for perriod 1949-1953. Nothing written on spine. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Parent Record for Archive collection of photographs, documents, and accounting ledgers relating to Bamford's Timber Yrds, Corner Whitehore Road and Warrandyte Roads, Ringwood, 1908 - 1951, (and Box Hill), and also records related to the Bamford Family
Black and white photograph (2 copies).
Typed below one copy: "Bamford Bros. sawmills 1910". Typed below other copy: "Bamford Bros. Timber Yard. Cnr.Main St.and Warrandyte Rd. 1910". (Later became Safeway site). Image shows timber yards with men and horse-drawn vehicles outside buildings. Warrandyte Road on right leading to Kennedy's orchard.
Black and white photograph (3 copies- 2 large, 1 small postcard)
Typed below one large copy: "Warrandyte Road, (formerly Andersons Creek Road.) Cnr. Maroondah Highway. Bamfords Timberyard in foreground later redeveloped as the site of Safeway's site and area beyond it now Eastland." Written on rear of backing sheet: "Bamford Bros. Timberyard - (later) Safeways C/r Whitehorse Rd. and Warrandyte Rd. Looking Nth along Warrandyte Rd. Loughnans Hill to left"
Black and white photograph (3 copies- 1 large, 2 smaller)
Typed below large photograph: "Bamford's Timber Yard. Cnr. Warrandyte and Main Rds. (Later to become Safeway Site). c1915". Image shows men standing outside building. Timber stacked to left and utility vehicle with P. Bamford written on cabin.
Clocktower at left.
Written next to photograph, "Bamfords Timber Yard, corner Warrandyte and Whitehorse Roads - 1958".
Family tree of Philip Bamford. Chart
England to Australia in 1890 - Voyage on the Steamship Ruapehu - Philip Bamford diary of his voyage to Australia 1890. Edited by John Bamford 1999. See attached note on Copyright Reserah for this item.
The transfer of land in Ringwood from Thomas Grant to Walter and Philip Bamford on 21st March 1908.
3 photocopied pages, poorly defined with some hand written details +Additional Keywords: Bamford, Walter / Bamford, Philip / Grant, Thomas
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period March 1908 to February 1917, including Stock, Plant, Horse Feed, Horse Shoeing, Wages (Weekly totals), Rent, Donations. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period 1918-1922, including Stock, Plant, Horse Feed, Horse Shoeing, Rent, Donations, P&L and Balance Sheet. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period 1922-1924, including Commission, Cash Sales, Stock, Plant, Donations, P&L and Balance Sheet. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period 1924 - 1931, including Commission, Cash Sales, Horse Shoeing and FeedStock, Plant, Donations, P&L and Balance Sheet. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period 1931-1944, including Commission, Cash Sales, Horse Shoeing and FeedStock, Plant, Donations, P&L and Balance Sheet. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Narrow Bound Accounting Ledger, with Index to various Ledger accounts for the period 1941-1957.
Large Bound Accounting Ledger, which appears to be a ledger of Customer Accounts for the period approximately 1947-1954. There is an alphabetiocal index to names at the front of the ledger. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Accounting Journal Book, Brown Cover, for perriod approximately 19-09 - 1929. Conissting of Journal entries, Bad Debts and Machinery Valuations. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Accounting Journal Book, Dark Green Cover, for perriod 1925-1950. Conissting of Journal entries for P&L and Balance Sheet Accounts. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Wages Ledger Book, Dark Green Cover, for perriod 1939-1948. Only a sample of pages scanned. Includes loose copies of "Rates of Weekly Installment Deductions" from Commonwealth of Australia Taxation Office and Victorian Chamber of Manufacturers for 1947, 1951,1952 and 1953 (Not scanned)
Slim Bound Ledger Book, Red Cover, for period 1950-1957, consisting of pages of names and balances in alphabetical order, probably customer names. Nothing written on spine. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Ledger Book, Brown Cover, for period 1926-1944, consisting of "Trial Balance of Private Ledger". Nothing written on spine. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Slim Bound Ledger Book, Dark Green Cover, for period 1944-1957, consisting of "Trial Balance of Private Ledger". Nothing written on spine. Only a sample of pages scanned.
"Private Ledger Trial Balances" written on front cover
Thick Bound "Journal" Ledger Book, Dark Green, for period 1942-1951, recording Customer sales by customer name. Only a sample of pages scanned.
Thin sheet of paper. Price List template on one side (no prices), and handwritten accounting notes on reverse. Title on Price list is "Ringwood Saw & Moulding Mills", "Bamford Bros.," Main Road Ringwood and Box Hill. Telephone 231 Canterbury. Price List used as note paper for accounts.
Loose sheets of paper containing various handwritten accounting entries including Return to Federal Income Tax to June 30, 1917; Realisation of Assets (Box Hill); Sales to 30/6/1918; Profit and Loss Account May 17th 1918 and 1/1/1917 to 16/2/1918; Capital Account. Latter is on the reverse of a price list template sheet with date August 1918.
Typed Letter from Inter-State Commission (COmmonwealth of Australia) re House Rents Investifation (Timber), requesting total sales figures for each year 1914 to 1918. Handwritten reply from P.Bamford on Bamford Letterhead listing sales figures. Figures for 1914-1918 are listed under Bamford Bros Ringwood. Following the 1918 entry (from 1st July 1917 to 2nd Feb 1918)is a note "Bamford Bros sold their business", followed by a single entry under the P. Bamford with the figure from 2nd Feb to June 30th 1918.
Note Letterhead has address as White Horse Road Ringwood, phone No. 3 Ringwood.
Foolscap sized pages with various accounting ledgers. Some undated.
Quarto sized covering letter from H.V. McKay Massey Harris Pty Ltd, Sunshine Harvester Works to Messr P. Bamford Pty Ltd, Timber Merchants, Ringwood. Dated 9th November 1931 enclosing Price List of Sunshine Farm Implements. Outer envelope included with pre-printed Sunshine Harvester Works engraving.
Quarto sized covering letter from Gippsland & Northern Co-operative Co. Lts, Seed Department, to Mr. C.O. Bamford, Ringwood. Dated 9th November 1931 enclosing Seed Catalogue.
Several foolscap sized buff coloured letterheads for P. Bamford PtyLtd.,
Telephone: Ringwood 3. Box P.O. Ringwood 17 Ringwood Saw Mills and Joinery Works. P. Bamford Pty. Ltd. Timber Joinery Hardware. Whitehorse Road Ringwood.
Small carbon copy of Sales Docket C6686 from P. Bamford Pty Ltd to Mr. R.C. Stacey (?), being for 1-15/64 and 1-7/32 Jobbers drills
Printed headings on Docket: Ringwood Saw Mills and Joinery Works. Registered Office: Whitehorse Road. Ringwood. Phone WU 6003
Digital copy of the printed Certificate of Right of Burial for Mr. Phillip Bamford of Bank St, Box Hill. Compartment Meth. N.S. ,Grave No. 22 23 24 25
Digital Image of several pages of Bamford Bros Wages Book from September 1909 to December 1910 showing hours worked and wages paid. Also a cover letter accompanying the donation of these images from John Bamford, (17 March 2010). ...
John's letter states:: The Bamford Bros. were my Grandfather Philip Bamford and his brother Walter. The business in Ringwood was located at what is now the corner of the Maroondah Highway and Warrandyte Road. The pages following this introduction are copied from the Ringwood wages book, beginning with 10 September 1909. Not all pages are copied, but what is attached is a selection of pages which indicate the changes that occurred during that period. The material is provided for historical purposes, particularly relating to the Ringwood area.
Advertisement for Bamford Bros Box Hill Timber Merchants &c. Date Unknown. Source unknown but originally scanned from a Victorian Business handbook of some type. ...
Station Street Box Hill "Next to Station". Ironmongers and Furnishing Undertakers
Notes on the Bamford Family and Photograph of Mr. P. Bamford (Pillip), taken from book "Jubilee of the Box Hill Methodist Church 1883-1933" by E.H. Carter. Original source copy of the book is not in the archives.
No other details avalable
“Bamford Boys” photo with note that was taken from a large display of “Box Hill Methodist Young Men’s Class” to “our leader Mr PT Leigh”. Quality is not good, appears to be originally from a newspaper but source not in the archives and date unknown. RDHS would be grateful for any further information on this item.
No other details avalable