Historical information
Item in the collection relating to C.J.C. McQuie MM, refer Cat No 9680P for his service details.
The March as per cover was held on 25th April 1919 in London.
The program gives full details of the days events which include 5,000 troops from the 5 Australian Diviisions, Light Horse Division, Artilley, 18 PDR Battery all led by the General Officers of the Divisions on Horse back. The route taken over 12 streets, at Mansion House the Lord Mayor will take the Salute, the Prince of Wales to take a Salute at Australia House, secretary for War Winston Churchill and members of the Army Council, Australian Airmen will fly over in 14 Aircraft. After a luncheon in the Egyptian Hall for 350 of the men plus distinguished guests, evening will be a reception at Australia House for 1,500 guests held by the Riight Honorable Andrew and Mrs Fisher.
Physical description
Program, paper folded, front cover in all blue print, inside is all black print, rear page is clear.