Historical information
A proctoscope was used in wards/outpatient or emergency department for examination of the anus and rectum
Of significance to the AHNL as nurses were involved in the preparation of equipment and patient.
Physical description
Consist of two parts, both made of siler coloured metal. Part one is the speculum, flared at one end and has an angled handle, with a small inlet that connects to the body of the proctoscope. Part two is the obturator, which has an olivary tip, and handle (four sided) connected by narrow rod
Inscriptions & markings
made in England stamped on one side of handle of speculum at base, previous catalogue number written in black ink. ward 12 No 6. engraved on other side of handle.' On one face of obturator handle Alfred Hospital is engraved. on second face Wd22/23 is engraved, on third face a letter T is engraved, on the fourth face is a scratched out engraving and the letter T. The old catalogue number is written in permanent black in on this fourth face.