Postcard, Australian Yesteryear Cards, Sunbury Victoria Australia, 1905

Historical information

Although the caption reads'Sunbury, Victoria, Australia', the picture is not of any specific Sunbury event. Instead it typifies frequent occurrences that took place across the area from the 1850s to the early years of the nineteenth century when people travelled along roads to the goldfields during the gold rush era and later seeking work during times of economic stress.


The picture has captured an era in Australia's history when people were on the move seeking their fortunes on the gold fields or seeking work during times of economic depression.

Physical description

A non-digital sepia photograph in post card format of five men carrying swags and their billies as they walk along an unmade road. Written along the top LH corner is 'Sunbury, Victoria, Australia'. On the back of the card in the lower RH corner is information explaining expressions relevant to the swagman traditions in Australia.


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