The association aims to enhance and develop community awareness of the heritage of Sunbury and its surrounding districts by collecting, preserving, and displaying items of historical significance.
Members have promoted historical displays in a variety of venues and have conducted heritage walks.
The association provides a community service through its education research and publications' programs.
Members of the Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society share an enthusiasm for Genealogy as well as discovering Sunbury's rich and colourful past. Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, excluding December and January in Room 5 at the Sunbury Global Learning Centre, Macedon Street, to discuss current projects, plan exhibitions and exchange ideas about researching significant characters, events and locations.
To extend our role as collectors of Sunbury's cultural and historical past, members volunteer their time by acting as guides for heritage walks and lectures as well as offering their services to schools, students, community groups and visitors. The group often receives letters and requests for family information, both from residents and non-residents. We provide a public advisory service about local history.
We also submit advisory papers to the local planning authorities, VCAT, and other Panel Hearings and join with other groups whose objectives are compatible with our own.
Our collection
Historical (1978)
Themes: Building community life, Shaping cultural and creative life