Historical information
The family would have used this cutlery on a daily basis as it is not the 'best' cutlery used for special occasions.
Physical description
Assorted very worn kitchen cutlery for every day use by the family. Most of it has a wide end at the handle with a small scalloped pattern: Forks, one large and one small, seven very rusted knives with bone handles, spoons, two larger serving, six dessert, ten teaspoons, two very small round sugar spoons, one patterned butter knife and two decorative servers.
Inscriptions & markings
Various makers which are indecipherable. Two knife have 'G R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to His Majesty (with a lined star shape and a cross underneath)'. Another knife has 'C J on a flag outline, with C Johnson & Co Sheffield England'. A smaller knife has a 'round symbol shape with a crown on the top - inside is Viner & Hall Sheffield Made Stainless Deluxe' One of the non matching servers has 'Grovesnor Delphic EPNS A1'