Book, Arthur Mee, Arthur Mee's Children's Bible

Physical description

A light green hardcover Children's Bible arranged by Arthur Mee and illustrated from the art galleries of the world, contains the Christian story interpreted for the young. There is no dust jacket. The front cover is plain with lined patterns indented around the edges. The spine has the title and the words, arranged by Arthur Mee printed in black lettering on the spine. The green tinged frontispiece shows a picture titled - Jesus Passes By, where Jesus is standing near people outside their home. The title page has full publisher details. Inside Arthur Mee has written a type of preface to this presentation of the bible as a book to be read by or to a child, not as a reference book. A guide to the Contents is listed as well as a guide to the Pictures included. The Old Testament and the New Testament are separated. There are many pictures included - some are green tinged and others are brown or sepia toned. Pp. 474. Included is a red and yellow advertising leaflet for Norwich Union Life Australia Limited, Melbourne - 'For the Best News for Anyone over 50'. There is a large coloured photograph of a family of six having a birthday afternoon tea outdoors.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

RLC is written on the tape inside the front cover.


Arthur Mee wrote a type of Preface to this presentation of the bible as a book to be read by or to a child, not as a reference book. A guide to the Contents is listed as well as a guide to the Pictures included. The Old Testament and the New Testament are separated.

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