Work on paper - Sovereign of the Seas Model Blueprints, 1933

Physical description

A complete set of 8 blueprints from “Popular Mechanics Magazine”, Chicago. The blueprints are on a royal purple coloured paper with white print. Each print displays labelled diagrams to assist the hobbyist to assemble the ship model “Sovereign of the Seas”. The designer is Harold T. Bodkin.
Distinct fold creases divide the documents into quarters. There is some silverfish damage leaving holes, however, all instructions are visible.

Inscriptions & markings

Sovereign of the Seas, Scale of Assembly, Scale of Details. Designed by Harold T. Bodkin. Drawn by R.B.B. Traced By J.W.L. Checked BY E.R.H. Popular Mechanics Magazine. 200 E. Ontario St. Chicago.


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