Physical description
Digitised video (2.67GB).
Duration: 58minutes.
Recorded February, 2025
(Video is available for viewing at Ringwood & District Historical Society Archives by appointment)
Inscriptions & markings
In this presentation, Ringwood and District Historical Society President Russ Haines provides a brief profile of Bob Croll, man of adventure, pioneer of amateur athletics in Victoria, a writer of collective note, an explorer of indigenous culture, as well as mixing with important artists, sculptors and authors of the pre-WW1 era. Bob shared his travels with eminent psychologist Stanley Porteus, the son of Ringwood Methodist David Porteus and his wife, Katherine, who attended Ringwood State School. Bob's walking adventures included following Canterbury Road up into the hills, through the Ringwood area of "heath" into the wonderful hamlets around Mount Dandenong.