Postcard, John Munns, Sunbury, C1980s

Historical information

The four sites featured on the postcard are: Top row L-R Emu Bottom Homestead and Rupertswood Mansion.
Bottom row L-R Goonawarra Vineyard and Aitkens Gap Gaol.
George Evans built Emu Bottom and William Clarke was the first owner of Rupertswood. Goonwarra was one of Sunbury's early vineyards and the gaol was relocated on the police station from its original site at The Gap village on the Calder Highway.


The four sites featured are important historic places in Sunbury

Physical description

A coloured postcard featuring four historic sites in Sunbury. The word 'SUNBURY' is printed in orange across the centre of the card. Details of the four sites, the photographer and the postcard company are on the back.

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