Historical information
The Royal Australian Survey had Field Survey Units located in most States of Australia. Northern Command Field Survey Unit was located in Brisbane. This folder contains technical Instructions for tasks carried out by the Unit from Survey control and data capture through to Field completion. The folder is held together by Chicago screws so that Instructions could be updated when necessary.
Instruction No1 Production Data Records Aug 1966 23x pages, Instruction No2 Standard Operating Procedure for B8 Stereoplotting Oct 1967 4 x pages, Instruction No3 Provisional Compilation Specifications 1:100 mapping contouring Oct 1967 (Missing), Instruction No4 Horizontal Control Station Summaries Aug 1972 13 x pages, Instruction No5 Airphotography Mar 1972 8 x pages, Instruction No6 Reconnaisance Station marking and Station Notes Aerodist Operations Mar 1972, 13 x pages, Instruction No7 Field Completion Feb 1973, 7 x pages.
Physical description
A hard green plastic covered manual of 68 x paper pages of typed text diagrams and tables, some fold out Annexes. The pages are held together with two Chicago screws
Inscriptions & markings
White # "5 " inside front and back covers