Domestic object - Candle Tapers, Price's Patent Candle Company. Limited, c 1880 - 1910

Historical information

Before electricity, candles were a primary source of light. They were used to light dinner tables, grand dining halls, and other formal settings. Tapers were essentially wax-coated wicks used to light gas or kerosene appliances or candles. Price's developed its 'Ship Brand' trademark in the 1870s, featuring the image of a clipper ship under sail. Price's candle tapers were made between 1880 and 1910. Price's Candles was founded in 1830 by William Wilson.

Physical description

A long thin vintage rectangular cardboard box of three pieces of used thin Price's Dropless White Tapers Medium, for lighting candles, gas etc. The lid is heavily patterned with blue and white product name and information. The base and the sides have no writing. Manufactured in Great Britain.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside a patterned circle on the right is 'Price's Patent Candle Company. Limited London & Liverpool.'

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