Book, Longman, Brown, and Company, The Holy Bible - containing the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments, 1842

Physical description

An olive green hardcover Holy Bible, Authorized Version of the New and Old Testaments with a wide brown band at the edge next to the spine and triangular corners on the right edges. There is a fine gold line along these features. The brown decorative patterned spine has five raised bands across it with Holy Bible in gold letters printed at the top. The pages have gilt edges and the end papers are colourfully marbled. There is no pagination. It contains the Old and New Testaments with Twenty Thousand Emendations (revisions or corrections). The title page has all the publisher details. Following is a Preface, a Canonical Order of the Old and New Testaments and a fold out faded coloured Map of the Countries mentioned in the Bible. The first two pages of Genesis at the front is badly torn. At the back there is a coloured map of Palestine in the time of our Saviour illustrative of the Books of the Evangelists, and also of the History of the New Testament. There is an Appendix or General Index of Places and Rivers.

Publication type



A Holy Bible containing the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments with Twenty Thousand Emendations. There is a Preface, a Canonical Order of the Old and New Testaments and a fold out faded coloured Map of the Countries mentioned in the Bible. At the back there is a coloured map of Palestine in the time of our Saviour illustrative of the Books of the Evangelists, and also of the History of the New Testament. There is an Appendix or General Index of Places and Rivers.

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