Photograph - Collection, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont students with visiting Ringwood Secondary College Band groups. Occasion and Year unknown

Physical description

Set of colour photographs of students from Gt Ryrie Primary School Heathmont and visiting Ringwood Secondary College band and choir. The occasion and year are unkown though possibly a graduuation. These photos were scanned from a packet of negatives (Heathmont Image Centre), with no information on the packet. (Negatives discarded). Note that most of the original negatives have a horizontal or vertical purple line on them which can be seen on the scans, presumably a fault in original processing. No names of children.
Note: If you can identify any students in this photo, or the occasion or year, please advise RDHS and we will add that information. Or if you object to a photo being public, also advise RDHS and we will make it Private in VC.

Inscriptions & markings

One photograph has students holding certiciates with their names Robert Pechar and Charlotte Craydon.

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