Historical information
Before plastic became commonplace in the 1950's dolls were typically made of this material which comprised a "combination" of sawdust and wood dust and glue which was then moulded in the required shape then painted and varnished. The head, arms and legs are made of this material. The body is stuffing covered in a cotton fabric.This doll has eyes that open and close and her teeth are visible and has a crying mechanism in the back. Her hair is possibly mohair and shoes are a synthetic material with metal buckles. The main enemy of composite material is water.It was a common practice for a girl to be given a doll and numerous outfits would be home made by mothers and grandmothers. This doll came to us with the name "Shirley" so possibly a Shirley Temple doll which were popular at the time.
Dolls were a common child's toy and as such has strong social significance.
Physical description
This is a composition doll from the 1940's. It has composite arms and legs and face. Facial features are painted on and the teeth are moulded and white. Eyes are blue and open and close on moving the doll. The hair is light brown with curls and she wears pink Mary Jane style shoes. A crying mechanism is inserted in the body of the doll. The face has multiple crazed markings.