Coming soon.
Coming soon.
The story of the Anzac
hard cover with cover jacket
A chronological approach to the D-Day landings
d-day landing
interviews from Peter Cosgrove, Prime Minister John Howard, Chief of the Army, former SAS commanding officers and serving soldiers and officers.
covers selection and training and recent deployments of Australia's SAS
soft cover non-fiction book covering the SAS from East Timor to Iraq.
A narrative history by A.K.Macdougall, outlining the Australia participation from the Boer War to the Gulf War.
hard cover non-fiction book with jacket and library plastic covering
Inside book is a newspaper clipping outlining key dates in Gallipoli campaign
A classic of its kind, The Long Gray Line is the twenty-five-year saga of the West Point class of 1966. With a novelist's eye for detail, Rick Atkinson illuminates this powerful story through the lives of three classmates and the women they loved―from the boisterous cadet years, to the fires of Vietnam, to the hard peace and internal struggles that followed the war. The rich cast of characters also includes Douglas MacArthur, William C. Westmoreland, and a score of other memorable figures. The class of 1966 straddled a fault line in American history, and Atkinson's masterly book speaks for a generation of American men and women about innocence, patriotism, and the price we pay for our dreams
Following the lives of 3 graduates, from cadets through to post war and their integration back into a changes America
soft cover non-fiction book with 592 pages with photos
An autobiography of the life of Sir Arthur Roden Cutler, through his military career and life after the army
longest serving Govenor of NSW
hard cover non-fiction book with jacket
Author is former servicewoman.
Gallipoli was the final resting place for thousands of young Australians. Death struck so fast there was no time for escape or burial. And when Gallipoli was over there was the misery of the European Campaign. Patsy Adam-Smith read over 8000 diaries and letters to write her acclaimed best-seller about the First World War. These are the extraordinary experiences of ordinary men – and they strike to the heart. The Anzacs remains unrivalled as the classic account of Australia's involvement in the First World War.
hard cover non fiction book with photos and diagrams
an historical look at military intelligence mishaps
In this controversial, eye-opening book, a long-serving professional military intelligence officer examines and analyzes the mistakes in military judgment that have resulted in some of the major catastrophes in the air, at sea, and on the battlefield since the crushing defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. Colonel John Hughes-Wilson not only explores how events have conspired to cause disasters in modern military history but also demonstrates why -- and the reason more often than not lies in the failure of politicians and seasoned generals alike to understand and appreciate fully the value of crucial intelligence information. Hughes-Wilson shows how, for one instance, American bureaucratic bungling and inter-service rivalries collaborated with the Japanese in their devastating attack on Pearl Harbor -- despite the fact that the US was monitoring Japan's top-secret radio traffic -- and he reveals why, for another, the Viet Cong's Tet Offensive of 1968 took the world's most technologically advanced army completely by surprise. In Hitler's Berlin as in Saddam Hussein's Baghdad, this book discloses the lapses, errors, miscalculations, and under-estimations of military intelligence that have shaped our wars and defined our times
soft cover non fiction book
Prepared by the RAAF Directorate of the Public Relations. Published b y the Australian War Memorial
Foreword by Air Vice-Marshal, Chief of Staff
hard cover non-fiction book
written and prepared by serving personnel of the RAN
Written by serving personnel and published b y the Australian War Memorial
hard cover non fiction book
written by serving personnel of the RAN
published for RAN by the Australian War Memorial
Hard cover non fiction book
Written and prepared by serving personnel of the RAN
written by serving RAN personnel
hard cover book with cartoons, drawings and photos
Snapshot of battles during WWII with photos and facts
Factual look at the start and progression of World War II
Factual description of WWI in association with the Imperial War Museum
DK publication for Imperial War Museum, part of the Eyewitness series
Examines the epic battles of fighting men from ancient times to today (1971)
hard cover non-fiction book
Warfare in Western Christendom volume 1
hard cover book
Award Advancements Pty Ltd Bentleigh
The evolution of flight and man's quest to fly
published in 1972, the book details the evolution of aircraft until publishing.
The small French village of Vignacourt was always behind the front lines. For much of the First World War it was a staging point, casualty clearing station and recreation area for troops of all nationalities moving up to and then back from the battlefields on the Somme. Remember me: the lost diggers of Vignacourt tells the story of how one enterprising photographer took the opportunity of this passing traffic to establish a business taking portrait photographs. Captured on glass, printed into postcards and posted home, the photographs made by the Thuillier family enabled Australian soldiers to maintain a fragile link with loved ones in Australia. The Thuillier collection covers many of the significant aspects of Australian involvement on the Western Front, from military life to the friendships and bonds formed between the soldiers and civilians. The exhibition showcases a selection of the photographs as handmade traditional darkroom prints and draws on the Memorial's own collections to tell the story of these men in their own voices
approx 4000 images were discovered in the attic of a barn Vignacourt, of soldiers and other life in WW1.
An exciting story about the discovery of the plates of Vignacourt
photos and technical data of aircraft until 1973
some technical data supplied in glossary
Photos and technical data on aircraft
inside cover page "To dearest Dad, love Therese & Chris
History of the Returned & Services League 1916-1986
hard cover non fiction book
Stamped " Highett Returned & Services Club, 1 Station St, Highett.
Penetrating the secret world of today's advanced technological conflict
Chief Author & Consultant: Colonel William V.Kennedy
hard cover non-fiction book
Prelude to conflict -- Blitz in the West -- Britain alone -- Italy falters -- Hitler strikes South -- Enter Rommel -- Barbarossa -- The War against Japan -- The onslaught continues -- From Moscow to the Crimea -- Turning point in the desert -- Stalingrad to Kursk -- Victory in the desert -- The Convoy battles -- Hitting back against the Japanese -- The Italian armistice -- To the Gustav Line -- Approaches to the Philippines -- War over the Reich -- The invasion of France -- Destruction of the Army Group Centre -- The Seine to Arnhem -- The Empire's last throw -- Victory in Italy -- The end in Europe -- Victory over Japan
hard cover non-fiction book maps and diagrams
Inscription on the first page "To Dad Happy Birthday, with love Jenny xxx 1987" Glued into the same front page is an article cut from the AFR Dec 22-27 2011.
Known as the start of the end of WWII, D-Day
foreward by Viscount Montgomery of Alamein CBE
hard cover non fiction book
Sticker with personal contact details of P.Cooper
What can the life of the modern professional soldier have in common with a Roman legionary, a Frankish warrior, or the musketeer of the English Civil War? The Footsoldier tells the story from the personal viewpoint of individual soldiers over the last 2,500 years. With stories ranging from Timocrates of Athens -- practising his shield and sword skills at the gymnasium -- to Corporal Joe Borelli, US 2nd Armored Division -- complaining about 'C' rations after more than eighteen months active service in World War II Europe -- a clear account of the development of warfare emerges, with no lack of insight into its prizes and its costs. Detailed information about uniforms and equipment is accompanied by superb color illustrations. ..".informative, exciting, accurate and realistic."
part of a series
hard cover book
Stamped "Withdrawn from Moorabbin Library"
The volunteer defence corps was raised and maintained in the early years by the RSL. The early members of the corps were men with distinguished service from WW1.
the early formation and activity of the volunteer corps.
grey hard cover non-fiction book
An anthology of Australian and New Zealand Military Poetry
The poetry dates back to the Boer War from Aus & NZ members and ex-members
Foreword by Lt Gen Peter Cosgrove
German mariners interned into camps in WW1
Australia interned some 300 german aliens and POWs during WW1.
hard cover non-fiction book
Personal stories of notable Australians
personal life stories
stories of remarkable Australians
Letters covering the period of the Gallipoli and the subsequent evacuation
General Monash considered to be one of the best strategists of WW1. The letters from Monash to his wife were deeply moving.
small soft cover non-fiction book
sticker on the cover of the book Property of: Program Resource Centre ABC- Southbank Centre sticker on the inside of the book: Acc no 26856 call no. 940.394. MON
Information contained in the book came from reports, secret planning papers drawing from memoirs and diaries.
Foreward by Lord Mountbatten
hard cover non-fiction book
sticker on the inside jacket: P.Cooper (personal details noted) Sticker The Library United Service Institution of Victoria