Showing 53 items
matching building agreement
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Prof McIntyre and Philip Slobom, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 kew, kew court house, phillip slobom, town crier, professor peter mcintyre -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Kew Historical Society in the Former Kew Court House, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 Colour photograph of the Kew Historical Society holding an event in the Former Kew Court House.kew, kew court house, kew historical society, meeting, city of boroondara -
Numurkah & District Historical Society
Legal Document - Articles of Apprenticeship
Henry Pearson was a dentist in Numurkah between 1911 and 1929 (referenced in Bossence book) This document is an agreement between Pearson and Leonard Bennett (son of Ernest Bennett, Hairdresser, who was the witness to this document). the agreement was that Pearson would take on Leonard as an apprentice in profession of Mechanical Dentist. The documents then goes on to outline what was involved in the apprenticeship: days, hours, bord, Yellowed legal document outlining Articles of Apprenticeship, dated 16th January, 1915. Names of people involved on the front. When opened up, the document outlines the what's involved in the apprenticeship, and includes signatures of the people involved. Solicitors were Morrissy & Deane, Numurkahsee photos abovesolicitors, morrissy & deane, apprenticeship, legal documents, indenture -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Report, Ownership and lease of permanent camp at Balnarring, 1932
Documents concerning Legacy having a legal hold over land owned by Sir Stanley Savige in Balnarring in order to erect permanent camp buildings. 00253.1 and .2 Report of Meeting of sub committee considering the questions of title re permanent camp building at Balnarring. Meeting held at Hotel Austalia 2nd October 1929. Legatees Armstrong, Carleton, Tregent, Hall and Massey in attendence. 00253.3 Signed letter from Charles H. Peters to Brian Armstrong, Messers Plante and Henty Solicitors. 00253.4, .5, .6, .7, .8 Report on Balnarring Camp Property. Same as collection item 00250 but with different corrections and additional notes. 00253.9 Cover letter to L Armstrong signed from Dudley Tregent. 00253.10 Letter to Blatchford, Deputy Chairman Junior Legacy Club from unknown author. 00253.11, .12 Minutes of Meeting of Board of Management. Camp Premises Agreement and negotiations mentioned on page 3. Melbourne Legacy provides camps for junior legatees. The camps gave the children an opportunity of a summer beach holiday with other Legacy children. It started with camps on the property of Legacy founder, Legatee Stan Savige, who had a place in Balnarring, close to the beach. Permanent camp buildings were built in 1930. These documents relate to those buildings. Legacy Somers Camps continued intermittently at Stan's property until it was decided in 1951 to make other arrangements for holidays. Including two other camps in the Somers area: Lord Somers Camp and the Somers School Camp (owned by the Education Department). Camps provided for junior Legatees have been very important from early in Legacy's history. In the 1920s Legacy started camps at Stan Savige's property at Balnarring. By the 1930s a permanent camp kitchen and building had been built at Somers Camp. These documents relate to the official status of the property.White paper with black type x 12 pages relating to land ownership and lease questions around the Balnarring Camp. Six sets of documents kept together. Total of twelve pages, some double transfer, deed of trust, option to purchase, properties, savige property, legacy somers camp -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Legal record, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Agreement between the SEC, City of Ballaarat and Borough of Sebastopol" re tramways, 1929
The SEC made this agreement with respect to the operation of tramways in Ballarat and Sebastopol in 1929, though the SEC did not formally take over operation until 1934.Yields information about the 1929 agreement between the SEC, The City of Ballaarat and the Borough of Sebastopol about the operation of tramways in Ballarat.Original copy and photocopy of an SEC made 17/11/1929 of the "Agreement between the SEC, City of Ballaarat and Borough of Sebastopol" re tramways at the time of the operation transfer of the tramways from ESCo to the SEC. Five pages, foolscap, white paper stapled in top left hand corner. Outlines the conditions of operations, track maintenance, tramcars, responsibilities, buildings, bus services. On pages 13 and 14 has the names of the parties who signed the agreement, including John Monash. Agreement dated 17/11/1929. See Reg Item 4941 for another version, carbon copy of a closely typed version. tram, trams, agreements, sec, city of ballaarat, borough of sebastopol, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Agreement signed for Tourist Tram Depot", 25/11/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the way the signing of the agreement between the City of Ballarat and the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society and the parties involved.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 25/11/1971, titled "Agreement signed for Tourist Tram Depot" of the signing of the agreement between the City of Ballaarat and the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society the previous day. Included in the photo are the Mayor, Cr. J.A. Chisholm, city solicitor - Hugh Morrow, President of the BTPS Hal Cain, Frank Hanrahan and Secretary Richard Gilbert. Notes various aspects of the agreement, tramcar 14 and the location of the depot building. Newspaper cutting has been mounted onto a sheet of quarto paper with 4 punch holes on left side. Second copy added 27/10/05. See Reg Item 3816 for a print of the actual photograph. Image of whole cutting added 18/7/15.Dates "25/11/71" in ink on top edge, right hand side and underneath in pencil is also the same date, but placed vertically.trams, tramways, btps, agreements, tram depot, city of ballarat -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - 'SS Roma', Dacre Smyth, Roma
SS Roma was laid down in 1942 at the Seattle-Tacoma SB Corporation plant and was launched as “Glacier” on September 7, 1942. Like quite a few ships, it was during her building as a C3 cargo ships that she was transferred under the “Lend Lease Agreement” to the Royal Navy and redesigned and built as the escort aircraft carrier HMS Atheling. After the war she was purchased by the Lauro Lines and rebuilt as the modern passenger liner Roma. She departed on her maiden voyage from Genoa bound for Australia in August 1951 arriving in Fremantle on October 1, continuing to Melbourne and arriving in Sydney on the 17th. She then went north to Brisbane before returning home. Mrs B SmythA framed oil painting of the migrant ship SS Roma.Romass roma, migrant ships -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Legal record - R.S.S.A.I.L.A Bendigo documents
10559a Letter to Mr. G.V. Lansell, Mr. R.F. Hyett and Mr. G.R. Wheeler, authorizing the Trustees of the Bendigo Sub-branch of R.S.S.A.I.L.A. Building and Patriotic Fund to complete the purchase of a property in Mackenzie Street Bendigo, and authorizing the Trustees to borrow £2000 to complete the purchase. Dated 19 June 1950. Letter from Solicitors Hyett. Willis and Hyett. 10559b Indemnity agreement for five members of the Bendigo Sub-branch of The Returned Sailors' Soldiers' and Airman's' Imperial League of Australia Victorian Branch ( R.S.S.A.I.L.A.) dated 22 December 1950, in relation to the purchase of (11) McKenzie Street, Bendigo and borrowing £2,000 from the Commonwealth Bank to complete a property purchase. The members being Mr. George Victor Lansell, Mr. Frederick Eustace Jackson, Mr. John William Swatton, Mr. George Robert Wheeler, and Mr. Augustus John Skehan. r.s.s.a.i.l.a bendigo branch, mackenzie street -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, The Law Book Company Limited, Commercial arbitration, 1986
arbitration and award -- australia -- cases, arbitration and award -- australia, arbitration agreements, commercial -- australia -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 107 Union Road, Surrey Hills, 1991
This was originally built as a State Savings Bank of Victoria branch in 1916. The first manager was Mr Campbell Cameron. On 26 August 1990, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) entered into an agreement with the Treasurer of Victoria for a merger with the State Bank of Victoria (SBV). All former State banks were given new signage in November 1992. The CBA operated the branch for a relatively short period of time with the branch closing in 2000. Community pressure for a local bank resulted in the Bendigo Bank opening a branch on the site in 2002. (See Bendigo Bank file)A colour photograph of a two storey building with a red terracotta tiled roof. signage indicates it is occupied by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The upper storey is rendered; the lower part of the building is red brick. The lower storey windows have been 'modernised'; the upper storey ones are in keeping with a build of the early 20th century. Adjacent to the door there appears to be an automatic teller machine.commonwealth bank, state savings bank of victoria, commercial establishment, union road, surrey hills -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Charles Nettleton, Kooyong clubhouse, circa 1875
Black and white photograph of the Kooyong clubhouse, which was offically opened in 1929. Set above ground level, it provided blind cricket players with shelter and storage underneath, as well as a venue for dances and other social activities organised by groups and the AFB. The responsibility for the clubhouse was set out as a deed of agreement between three people (the Malvern Town Clerk, Mr Paterson and Mr Maxwell) and run independently of the Council, Blind Cricket clubs and the AFB.1 black and white image of the clubhouse at Kooyong buildings, association for the blind -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1953
Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) moved into 452 St. Kilda Road, in 1953. Seven Ford Prefect cars were purchased by the Society in the early 1950s which became the beginning of a full MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service, fleet of cars which would be used by their District nurses to visit patients in the community over the next years.In 1875 J.B.Scott purchased Crown Land on the corner of St Kilda Road and Arthur Street. During the 1890’s an “unpretentious grey building” was built on the site. Known as ‘Airlie’, major additions were carried out during the 1920s and 30s to this historic mansion. From its founding in 1885 until 1891 the Trained nurse (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Trained nurses (Nurses) and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. The Nurses left from there each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurses, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy. They remained there for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funding to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door to No. 39, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District Trained nurses (Sisters) continued to live at No. 39. In 1953 ‘Airlie’ at 452 St Kilda Road was offered by the Government as part of an agreement to split the management of the Society and the After Care Hospital. On 26th November 1953 the MDNS moved its Headquarters to 452 St Kilda Road. Renovations and alterations were however restricted by limited funds so it was not until 1/12/1954 that the Hon. W. P. Barry, Minister of Health, officially opened the building. MDNS was given Royal patronage in 1966 and became Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). In January 1983, Headquarters of the Royal District Nursing Service at 452 St Kilda Road was classified by the National Trust. The citation in support of the classification said “The house is of historical interest as the boyhood home of Stanley Melbourne Bruce, later Lord Bruce, Prime Minister of Australia from 1923-1929.” Black and white photograph of Melbourne District Nursing Society Headquarters, 452 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. The photo, taken on the corner of Arthur street, is of a two storey building and several cars and gives a unique view of St Kilda Road in the 1950s (pre high rise buildings) This large grey two storey Italian style building, has four roman column, arched Arcadia to the right of a polygon shaped bay window on the ground floor; an arched Arcade on the second floor, and three long windows above the bay window on Arthur Street. Turning the corner onto St. Kilda Road is a three arched Arcadia running towards the one window seen on the polygon shaped bay window. Arcadia is repeated on the upper storey. A balustrade is in front of the Arcadia on the upper storey and again around the flat roof. Two chimneys can be seen. A spiked metal fence runs in front of the building. To the left of this building are two white double storey buildings and some medium sized trees. On Arthur Street, two Ford Prefect cars, one with the passenger side door partly open, a Vanguard car and another make of car can be seen.royal district nursing service, headquarters, 452 st kilda road melbourne, melbourne district nursing society, mdns, mdns transport, rdns -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... H.A. & S.R. Wilkinson Real estate buildings Agreement made ...Agreement made the 3rd of January 1958 between Thomas James Roberts of 1 Ashley Street, Bendigo builder) and Peter William Tieman and Edith Ruby Tieman both of 60 Hodgkinson Street, Bendigo (owners) whereas the owners have land in Specimen Hill Road and have requested he builder to erect a dwelling house thereon. There 8 clauses on the agreement. There is also a sheet detailing the specifications for the build. Price: 2,300 pounds. Also, a paper signed by T. J. Roberts on the 3rd of January 1958 that on completion of contract for new building on block, lot 28, Specimen hill Road, Golden Square for P. W. & E. R. Tieman agreeing to pay H. A. & S. R. Wilkinson the sum of 82 pounds 10 shillings for commission due on such contract.h.a. & s.r. wilkinson, real estate, buildings -
Bendigo Military Museum
This document relating to the Agreement between the Bendigo Council and the Bendigo Returned Sailors and Soldiers Association re the use of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Pall Mall Bendigo is a day to day working copy of Cat No 8222 dated 22.4.1920 pre the opening of the building in 1921. Some of the hand written notes in left hand column are; Rental, Maintenance, Trustees, Right to hold meetings, Conduct, Control of grounds and portico.Legal document heavy paper light brown colour, basically a copy of Cat No 8222 without the hand written signatures and red seals. They are held together via a green cord sewn through the papers. In the space column notes have been hand written in pencil to make easier to find a paragraph on subjects relating to the use of the Building.Main point, as per "Cat No 8222"brsl, smirsl, legal, indenture 1920 -
Bendigo Military Museum
This document signed by the Mayor, Councilor's, Citizens and Bendigo Soldiers and Sailors Association on 22 4.1920 outlines the usage of the Soldiers Memorial Institute in Pall Mall Bendigo as a Rest Home for Returned Servicemen. Signed by, J.H. Curnow Mayor - A. Dunstan, W Beebe, Councilors - W Honeybone Town Clerk. Signed by Bendigo R.S.S.A by John Adams - Harold Robert Catford. Witnessed by George. F. Rolling, L. J. Beckerleg. Signed by, George Francis Cole, Alfred Morris Pool. Witnessed by G. Allen, W Beach. The Bendigo RSL/Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch still occupies the building which now is the home of the Bendigo Military Museum. Refer Cat No 800.2 for the opening of the Soldiers Memorial Institute in 1921. Refer Cat No 8048 for Harold Catford Bendigo R.S.S.A, Cat No 8022P for John Adams Bendigo R.S.S.ALegal record, blue paper, 5 pages of text all in black, one page with a sketch on half and the other is the front cover when folded by 3, pages held together by a green thin woven cord on the spine, pages have red lines as a border, there are 32 sub headings covering facets of the use of the building, there a few small notes added in the left hand column of some pages in blue pen.On the front folded cover underlined in some sections, "THE MAYOR COUNCILLORS AND CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF BENDIGO - with - THE TRUSTEES of the BENDIGO Branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers ASSOCIATION and the BENDIGO CITIZENS REST HOME COMMITTEE. (space) AGREEMENT AS TO THE REST HOME AND MEMORIAL INSTITUTE IN ROSILAND PARK At the bottom central, "Hyett and Hyett - Solicitors - Bendigo"brsl, smirsl, indenture 1920, legal -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Agreement between the Director General of Social Security and the Association for the Blind, 1983
... Agreement regarding the building of an approved home at 19...Agreement regarding the building of an approved home at 19 ...Agreement regarding the building of an approved home at 19 New Street, Brighton Beach and the funding of such. Affixed with the seal of the Association and signed by John Wicking, John Wilson and J. Wall.11 blue pages , stapled with green taped edgeassociation for the blind, john wall, john wicking -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, RVIB documents 1, 1999-2005
Various electronic documents preserved on CD by RVIB staff, including (but not limited to) speeches, invitations, awards, reports, minutes and correspondence relating to work undertaken by RVIB. They are not individually catalogued and a selection has instead been provided to view. This selection includes: - 2001 speech given during the presentation of the International Year of the Volunteer award and Leo Hartman award - invitation to Ormond Hall concert in memory of Rebecca Ryan in 2001 - announcement of Project Nexus, the agreement to merge RBS, RVIB and VAF - RVIB life membership to Trudi Westh and her career at RVIB - List of key historical figures in combined RBS, RVIB and VAF - 2005 Leo Hartman award speech - tribute to Maretia Doughty upon her retirement - RVIB Services Award to Central Council of Auxiliaries - Terms of Reference for RVIB Reference GroupMultiple Compact Disks with documentsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records, awards, trudi westh, raleigh street hostel, canadian national institute for the blind, auxiliaries, buildings, maretia doughty -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
North Hustlers Mining Co. N. L. (McColl Rankin & Stanistreet) to Miss G. Alice Jones. Pink paper dated Aug 28 to Dec 7, 1934, Feb 4 to Feb 18, 1935, and 28/3/1935. Option - Selewar. Costs involved in agreement for option. Re Miss I. N. Williams. Costs for options of purchase and preparations for transfer of portion of residence area and related expenses. Total cost £6.13.0. "Del'd 29/3/35" written in the top left corner.miss g alice jones - solicitor - account, north hustlers mining co n l, mccoll rankin & stanistreet, selewar, mr leed, miss i n williams, mr j j stanistreet, mr e. r. grelis, building society -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Detail of land leased to Alfred Kefford Pty Ltd", undated
Photocopy of a drawing or plan on an A4 sheet, titled "Detail of land leased to Alfred Kefford Pty Ltd" and the back of the former MMTB Office building in Victoria Parade Fitzroy. Gives the block dimension, streets, a location of a workshop and the brick office building. The Young St sub-station was excluded. Gives details of the fences. Plan undated. Rod Atkins advised 29/7/19 that Alfred Kefford nee Pty Ltd. resided at no 17 Young Street on corner of Duke Street just several doors further up Young Street on the same side. All I know so far is they were into some form of delivery type transport - i.e.. carrier.trams, tramways, mmtb, buses, lease agreement, victoria parade, young st, substation -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, J. G. Membrey & Co., Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, "Leasing of former MMTB Head Office", Oct. 1940
Set of two reports regarding the difficulties of leasing the former MMTB head office building at 673 Bourke St following the move into the Little Collins Street building in 1936. .1 - Six page typed, part carbon copy, report (note the fist page has the carbon copy of another page in the report on the rear) Notes the extensive discussions with the Post Masters General Department, problems with discussions with the Board's agent, Mr. J. G. Membrey, possible sale of the building, issues within the PMG over leasing buildings, discussions with Bushell's Tea Company, lease to the RSL, then the RSSILA, through a Mr Bett, who then was in talks with the PMG to sub-lease the building, discussions with the Chairman, Mr. Cameron, which occurred. What a mess! .2 - two page carbon copy of report from Mr. J. G. Membrey to the MMTB discussion the issues with the lease, PMG, Mr. Bell and part occupied by the Radio Times. Also involves discussions with Mr. McGrath Deputy Chairmen when Mr. Bell was overseas. Report dated 19/10/1940. Two copies held.trams, tramways, mmtb, head office, bourke st, lease agreement, real estate, pmg -
Vision Australia
Painting - Artwork, Portrait of Thomas Marks, 2001
Framed portrait of Thomas Marks who was President of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1900, 1935-1937. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by the VAF Board to commemorate the work of past presidents of the organisation. Mr Marks sits at a table, wearing black tails and pants, a white pleated dinner shirt and black evening dress bow-tie. One hand rests next to a cup and saucer, the other rests on his lap. Tom Marks was educated at the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind. He was a founding member of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind (now Vision Australia) at its establishment in 1895. He went on to serve as President of organisation in 1900 and was later appointed as a part time paid secretary – an office he occupied from 1904 to 1927. He again served as President from 1935 to 1937 during which time he celebrated his 80th birthday. As the living conditions of many blind people were deplorable at this time – they were often confined to a room or shed without any social contacts – it was realized that support for blind persons was needed to serve as a refuge for the oppressed, a home for the indigent, a rest home for the sick and a convalescent home to provide both respite care and permanent accommodation. Mr Marks had a reputiation of having good contacts and being able to use people with more knowledge than himself. An able musician, Tom Marks was often employed in the homes of wealthy families. As a result he met Mr and Mrs Grimwade who were already supporters of Vision Australia. They organized a gymkhana to raise money for the nucleus of a building fund. From this time Tom Marks was involved in the finances of the centres at Brighton, Ballarat and Bendigo, which were the ultimate result of the fund. He was also part of a team that negotiated the financial agreement between the RVIB and Vision Australia over fund raising and the allocation of money, which lasted from 1930 to 1939. 1 art original in gold frameThe plaque at the base of the painting reads 'Mr Thomas Marks / President 1900, 1935-1937/ Association for Advancement of the Blind'. association for the advancement of the blind, thomas marks -
Bialik College
Mixed media (series) - Sites & Premises: fundraising appeals and plans for development
1990s, 2000s, 1980s, buildings, development, planning, shakespeare grove, elc, 1970s1990s, 2000s, 1980s, buildings, development, planning, shakespeare grove, elc, 1970s -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
document - Correspondence, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Agreement between the SEC, City of Ballaarat and Borough of Sebastopol" re tramways, Oct. 1960
The SEC made this agreement with respect to the operation of tramways in Ballarat and Sebastopol in 1929, though the SEC did not formally take over operation until 1934. See item 7604 for a signed copy of the original agreement. This copy is a retyped version for reference.Yields information about the 1929 agreement between the SEC, The City of Ballaarat and the Borough of Sebastopol about the operation of tramways in Ballarat.Carbon copy of SEC made 26/10/1960 of the "Agreement between the SEC, City of Ballaarat and Borough of Sebastopol" re tramways at the time of the operation transfer of the tramways from ESCo to the SEC. Five pages, foolscap, white paper stapled in top left hand corner. Outlines the conditions of operations, track maintenance, tramcars, responsibilities, buildings, bus services. On page 5 has the names of the parties who signed the agreement, including John Monash. Agreement dated 17/11/1929. Two copies held. See Reg Item 7604 for another version, more readable - photocopy. tram, trams, agreements, sec, city of ballaarat, borough of sebastopol, esco