Showing 1910 items
matching flooding
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Yarra Valley Floods: Kew East, 1916
Flooding of the Yarra Valley, including that section of the Yarra bordering Kew and Kew East in the north and west of the municipality, was a regular occurrence. Extreme flood events of the Yarra River are recorded to have occurred in 1891, 1901, 1916, 1923 and 1934. The Municipality of Kew's response to these floods was to enact planning decisions restricting residential development in flood prone areas following the floods of 1916, 1921 and 1934. While floods continued after the development of the Upper Yarra Reservoir (construction 1948-57), the regularity and extent of these inundations diminished. During the nineteenth century, the land abutting the south side of the Yarra in Kew was devoted to dairy farming. In the twentieth century, before and after the construction of the Eastern Freeway, much of this low-lying area was used as golf courses and public parks.One of a collection of photographs of flooding in the Kew section of the Yarra Valley which are in important research resource for the location and extent of flooding in the first half of the twentieth century. Flooding of the Yarra Valley at East Kew in 1916. The view is taken from the intersection of Kilby Road with what is believed to be Birdwood Street, looking across the flood waters to Ivanhoe. The extensive flooded area shown in the photograph would have included the Kew Golf Club. Verso: "Floods along Kilby Road / near Birdwood St? & Kilby Road / 1917? / 87yarra river, yarra valley, floods -- kew, kilby road -- kew (vic.), kew golf club -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Flood at Fairfield Park, 1934
Flooding of the Yarra Valley, including that section of the Yarra bordering Kew and Kew East in the north and west of the municipality, was a regular occurrence. Extreme flood events of the Yarra River are recorded to have occurred in 1891, 1901, 1916, 1923 and 1934. The Municipality of Kew's response to these floods was to enact planning decisions restricting residential development in flood prone areas following the floods of 1916, 1921 and 1934. While floods continued after the development of the Upper Yarra Reservoir (construction 1948-57), the regularity and extent of these inundations diminished.Black and white print positive. Yarra River at Fairfield in 1934. Major flood resulting in submerged buildings in middle ground and onlookers on far bankReverse: "Flood of Yarra at Fairfield Park 1934"fairfield park, yarra valley, river yarra, floods -- 1934 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - copy, 1955 Floods, 1955
Copy of photograph of floods outside Tacey's Garage, Tatura.Black and white photograph of floods, outside Tacey's Garage, 1955.on back: Tacey's garage, Tatura. Corner Park and Hogan Streets. 1955 Floods.1955 floods tatura -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph / postcard, Early 20th century - pre 1906?
This photograph shows the Hospital Creek in flood. This is a pictorial record of a bridge in East Gippsland in the early 20th century.A black / white photograph / postcard of a road bridge across a flooded creek. It is in a bush front at bottom - "Hospital Creek in flood H.D.Bulmer photo Lake Tyers"bridge-hospital-creek tostaree-bridge -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, February 1971
The 1971 flood was the the worst flood on record. At Jarrahmond it was at least 11 metres and up to one and a half kilometres wide on the flats causing enormous damage to the flood plain. Records say that "The brown floodwater stain in Bass Strait could be seen from passing airliners." Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see The railway line was destroyed and was not expected to be opened for a fortnight. Orbost was cut off by 50 square miles of Snowy River floodwater. This train was being shunted across the viaduct when waters smashed through washing away several trucks sending the crew running for their lives.This is pictorial evidence of a significant local event. It is connected to the history of the railway in East Gippsland.A large black / white photograph of flooded railway yards with a train engine stranded on a small section of track surrounded by water and debris.on front - "1971 Flood, Railway Yards"floods-1971-orbost orbost-railway natural-disasters-orbost -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Marnie McLeod, Flood, River Yarra, Kew, 1916
The donation was accompanied by the following letter from the donor: "Hi. I found these in with family photos. Taken by family as Mamie McLeod was living in Fellows Street, Kew, so would be near there. Retain (or discard) as you see fit." [Donor's name and address withheld from public view]. To gain an insight into the flood levels at Kew, it is worth reading newspaper accounts of the event. The Age published an article - Valuable Gardens Destroyed at Kew - on 25 September 1916: "VALUABLE GARDENS DESTROYED AT KEW. From the heights of Studley Park, Kew, a splendid view of the flood waters can be obtained, and yesterday afternoon, despite continuous rain, crowds of citizens assembled there to witness the spectacle. There is a vast stretch of water some 300 or 400 yards broad, above the foot bridge connecting Gipps-street, Collingwood, and Studley Park. The river is only about 3 feet from the top of the embankment connecting with the ramp of the bridge on the Studiey Park side. When the upper llood waters come down it is almost a certainty that tne embankment will be submerged and the bridge rendered impassible. Below the bridge the waters again stretch out, and have submerged all the low-lying land on the Collingwood side and invaded the back premises ot the Kodak Co., Phoenix Biscuit Factory, a tannery adjoining thereto, the Shamrock Brewery, and Chinese gardens in the vicinity. At Walmer-street-bridge, at the end of Studley Park, the low-lying land on the Kew side is covered with water to the depth of many feet. Tlie land in question is owned in a great part by Mr Frank Lavers who haa gone in for intense culture on a pretty liberal scale on both the slopes of the hill and on the river flat. On the latter he is cultivating many acres of asparagus, and has at a considerable cost spent three years in preparing the ground and installing an irrigation system, reticulated from the Yan Yean water supply. This year the asparagus was put down, and the plants were in a promising condition. Tlie flood waters are now flowing fast over the land. The crop is ruined, and three years' work and expenditure destroyed. Mr. Laver's private residence fortunately is high above flood level, but two houses he owns off Young-street have been flooded out. Having been warned in time, the tenants removed their furniture hefore the water came down to Mr. Laver's residence, where they themselves have been given accommodation in the meantime. All the river flats in East Kew are under water. One or two low-lying houses have been flooded. Chipperfield's boat shed at Willsmere is nearly covered, and some Chinese gardens in the vicinity are several feet under water."This, and the other three photographs donated of floods in Kew are believed to be the earliest in the collection. Together with our original MMBW River Yarra map showing flood levels, these items, when compared allow researchers to gain a visual perspective of the extent of the flood in 1916. Small black and white photograph of flooded trees in Kew.Inscription on reverse in ink "Flood R. Yarra Kew Vicriver yarra, kew, floods 1916 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cattle in North Kew floods, 1934
The year 1934 witnessed the greatest flooding of the Yarra River since settlement. This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.Photograph of floodwaters encroaching on farm land in North Kew in the flood of 1934.Nth. Kew. 1934 Floodsfloods (melbourne) 1934, dorothy rogers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Kodak, Tatura Floods 1950's, 1950's original
Original photograph of flooded street and shops, Hogan Street Tatura, 1955Original sepia photograph of part of Hogan Street Tatura, under flood c 1950'son back: Hogan Street Tatura under floods c early 1950's -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
The post card is a record of a time when the Jacksons Creek flooded and the water almost reached the two arches on the Macedon Street Bridge. The Goonawarra Winery buildings can be seen in the back ground.A sepia photograph in post card format of a river in flood with the water almost reaching the two arches on the stone bridge. Farm buildings can be seen in the middle distance.JACKSON'S CREEK IN FLOOD SUNBURYmacedon street bridge, jacksons creek, goonawarra winery -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Marnie McLeod, Floods of the River Yarra at Kew, 1916
The donation was accompanied by the following letter from the donor: "Hi. I found these in with family photos. Taken by family as Mamie McLeod was living in Fellows Street, Kew, so would be near there. Retain (or discard) as you see fit." [Donor's name and address withheld from public view]. To gain an insight into the flood levels at Kew, it is worth reading newspaper accounts of the event. The Age published an article - Valuable Gardens Destroyed at Kew - on 25 September 1916: "VALUABLE GARDENS DESTROYED AT KEW. From the heights of Studley Park, Kew, a splendid view of the flood waters can be obtained, and yesterday afternoon, despite continuous rain, crowds of citizens assembled there to witness the spectacle. There is a vast stretch of water some 300 or 400 yards broad, above the foot bridge connecting Gipps-street, Collingwood, and Studley Park. The river is only about 3 feet from the top of the embankment connecting with the ramp of the bridge on the Studiey Park side. When the upper llood waters come down it is almost a certainty that tne embankment will be submerged and the bridge rendered impassible. Below the bridge the waters again stretch out, and have submerged all the low-lying land on the Collingwood side and invaded the back premises ot the Kodak Co., Phoenix Biscuit Factory, a tannery adjoining thereto, the Shamrock Brewery, and Chinese gardens in the vicinity. At Walmer-street-bridge, at the end of Studley Park, the low-lying land on the Kew side is covered with water to the depth of many feet. Tlie land in question is owned in a great part by Mr Frank Lavers who haa gone in for intense culture on a pretty liberal scale on both the slopes of the hill and on the river flat. On the latter he is cultivating many acres of asparagus, and has at a considerable cost spent three years in preparing the ground and installing an irrigation system, reticulated from the Yan Yean water supply. This year the asparagus was put down, and the plants were in a promising condition. Tlie flood waters are now flowing fast over the land. The crop is ruined, and three years' work and expenditure destroyed. Mr. Laver's private residence fortunately is high above flood level, but two houses he owns off Young-street have been flooded out. Having been warned in time, the tenants removed their furniture hefore the water came down to Mr. Laver's residence, where they themselves have been given accommodation in the meantime. All the river flats in East Kew are under water. One or two low-lying houses have been flooded. Chipperfield's boat shed at Willsmere is nearly covered, and some Chinese gardens in the vicinity are several feet under water."This, and the other three photographs donated of floods in Kew are believed to be the earliest in the collection. Together with our original MMBW River Yarra map showing flood levels, these items, when compared allow researchers to gain a visual perspective of the extent of the flood in 1916. Black and white photograph of flooded trees in Kew with rising dry ground in distance.Inscription on reverse in pencil: "Flood River Yarra Kew Vic"river yarra, kew, floods 1916 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Helen Dudley, View Towards Boulevard, 1944-1945
... flooding ...Black and white photograph. View towards Boulevard from the drive. Lagoon paddock is flooded. On reverse, "1944-1945 shot from driveway Paddock looking to Boulevard area often flooded in those days."boulevard, helen dudley, 1991, centenary, lagoon paddock, flooding -
Port of Echuca
Black and white postcard, Early 20th Century
... flooding ...The gasworks in Anstruther St, allowed the streets of Echuca to be lit at night, therefore improving the safety of the citizens of the town. The gasworks were operational for many year providing cooking and lighting facilities to houses as well as to the streets. This picture shows the height of the flood in either 1906 or 1916? The Senior Citizens Club now stands on the site. The Central Kindergarten and Echuca Primary School are also nearby.This postcard is significant because it shows the height of the floods before the town levee banks had been built. It also shows the need for flood proofing the town. It also shows the size of the gasworks in the early 20th Century. The Senior Citizens Club is currently built on this site.A rectangular black and white postcard showing the gasworks in Anstruther Street, during a high flood, in either 1906 or 1916. The gasworks site is now the site of the Senior Citizens Club. A picket fence surrounds the gasworks and there are two men rowing a row boat passed the works in the flood water.On the front of the postcard in white hand writing are written the words 'Flood Water - Echuca.' On the back of the postcard the following words are printed. "W.Grimwood. Echuca. POST CARD. Correspondence. Address Only. Kodak Australia." Handwritten in pen are the words "Old Gasworks Anstruther Street. Now site Senior Citizens Club" Handwritten in pencil are the words "1906 or 1916"echuca gasworks., anstruther street, flooding, 1916, 1906, street lights, pullicino, j -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, January 1934
These are photographs taken during the 1934 flood at Orbost. From The Argus (Melbourne) on January 10 1934 "Damage estimated at £500,000 has been caused by the floods in the Orbost district. No loss of life occurred, largely owing to the heroic efforts of rescue parties. Many families spent Monday night on the roofs of houses or in trees, surrounded by deep, rushing flood waters." This 1934 flood was devastating, destroying a section of the 1922 Orbost bridge - the centre span was washed away -. wrecking fences, bridges and roads, dumping silt and debris on the rich river flats and drowning cattle.These photographs are pictorial records of the 1934 floods at Orbost, a significant event in the history of Orbost.Nine small black / white photographs of flood damage,3253.2 on back - "Waters rushing down Princes Highway and....of......where you see the waves" 3253.3 on back - "rushing flood waters over Lochiel Park Bridge approach at the rear of picture 1934"orbost-flood-1934 flood-orbost -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photographs, Richard Vincent, Washed Away Bridge at Garibaldi, c1933
Newspaper clipping documents deputations to the Minister of Public Works for grants to be made available for repairs to bridges and roads damaged by heavy flooding in 1933, in particular, the replacement of a stone and concrete bridge over the Leigh River at Garibaldi in the Buninyong Shire. The concrete slabs were still in the water in the 1960s/70s or even later. Three black and white photographs showing flood damage to the bridge over the Leigh River at Garibaldi, plus a photocopy of a newspaper clipping from The Argus December 1933 describing the extent of the flood damage. .1) shows blue stone buttress and collapsed bridge/road. .2) mirror image of above .3) unknown man waling an a girder of the Garibaldi bridge .4) photocopy of newspaper clipping about flood damage from The Argus December 1933Damage by Floods: Bridges washed away (The Argus December 1933)leigh river, garibaldi, buninyong shire, richard vincent, garibaldi bridge -
Charlton Golden Grains Museum Inc
Photograph - Telegraph Hotel in 1939 flood, 1939
Telegraph Hotel in 1939 flood. The river level reached 8.25 metres in April.Black & white photograph of Halligan's Telegraph Hotel in 1939 flood. Corner of Armstrong & Camp Streets. Halligans & staff including Tess Maher (Loughnan) standing in front of hotelAvoca Rover flood Easter 1939. Donated by Mrs T Loughnan.flood, hotels, halligan, telegraph hotel, business, armstrong street, charlton -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Flooding in the Willsmere Park, 1993
Willsmere Park is bounded by the the Yarra River, Green Acres Golf Club, Willow Grove and the Eastern Freeway. The land on which the park is now situated was bought by Thomas Wills at the Crown Land Sales of 1846 (Section 56). From the 1840s to the 1940s it was intensively farmed. The park is dominated by very large playing fields, while planting to the southern boundary was undertaken when the Eastern Freeway was built. It is only along the banks of the Yarra that there is any remnant native vegetation. Willsmere Park is of significance as an area of open land that remains from the flood plain that once dominated northern Kew. (Source: Kew Conservation Study, 1988)Original colour small format polaroid photograph of flooding in the Willsmere Park, taken on 16 September 1993."Flooding of Willsmere Park from Yarra 16.9.93"willsmere park, yarra river -- floods -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kane's Bridge on the Yarra River, December 1934
In 1928 a footbridge was erected to link Kew with the public golf course across the Yarra. The total cost of construction came to 250 pounds and the bridge became known as Kane's Bridge. During the 1934 floods the bridge was washed downstream, and was subsequently rebuilt. The present form of the bridge resembles the earlier bridge which crossed from the Yarra Bend Asylum to Kew, further upstream. (VHD)Original, black and white positive of Kane's Bridge in December 1934, when the 'great flood' of the Yarra caused the bridge's destruction. Inscribed verso: "Kane's Bridge Yarra in flood Dec 1934"river yarra, yarra -- kew (vic.), kanes bridge, 1934 floods -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Yarra River in flood at the Willsmere Park, 1993
Willsmere Park is bounded by the the Yarra River, Green Acres Golf Club, Willow Grove and the Eastern Freeway. The land on which the park is now situated was bought by Thomas Wills at the Crown Land Sales of 1846 (Section 56). From the 1840s to the 1940s it was intensively farmed. The park is dominated by very large playing fields, while planting to the southern boundary was undertaken when the Eastern Freeway was built. It is only along the banks of the Yarra that there is any remnant native vegetation. Willsmere Park is of significance as an area of open land that remains from the flood plain that once dominated northern Kew. (Source: Kew Conservation Study, 1988)Original colour small format polaroid photograph of the Yarra River in flood at the Willsmere Park, taken on 16 September 1993."Yarra River at Willsmere Park Flooding 16.9.93"willsmere park, yarra river -- floods -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Flooding in the Willsmere Park, 1993
Willsmere Park is bounded by the the Yarra River, Green Acres Golf Club, Willow Grove and the Eastern Freeway. The land on which the park is now situated was bought by Thomas Wills at the Crown Land Sales of 1846 (Section 56). From the 1840s to the 1940s it was intensively farmed. The park is dominated by very large playing fields, while planting to the southern boundary was undertaken when the Eastern Freeway was built. It is only along the banks of the Yarra that there is any remnant native vegetation. Willsmere Park is of significance as an area of open land that remains from the flood plain that once dominated northern Kew. (Source: Kew Conservation Study, 1988)Original colour small format polaroid photograph of flooding in the Willsmere Park, taken on 16 September 1993."Flooding of shared path from Willsmere Billabong 16.9.93"willsmere park, yarra river -- floods -- kew (vic.), kew billabong -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Flooding of Willsmere Park from Yarra, 1993
Willsmere Park is bounded by the the Yarra River, Green Acres Golf Club, Willow Grove and the Eastern Freeway. The land on which the park is now situated was bought by Thomas Wills at the Crown Land Sales of 1846 (Section 56). From the 1840s to the 1940s it was intensively farmed. The park is dominated by very large playing fields, while planting to the southern boundary was undertaken when the Eastern Freeway was built. It is only along the banks of the Yarra that there is any remnant native vegetation. Willsmere Park is of significance as an area of open land that remains from the flood plain that once dominated northern Kew. (Source: Kew Conservation Study, 1988)Original colour small format polaroid photograph of flooding in Willsmere Park resulting from heavy rain on 15 September 1993."Flooding of Willsmere Park from Yarra 16.9.93"yarra river -- floods -- kew (vic.), willsmere park -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Melbourne Flood scenes, 1910c
Composite photograph from a journal showing six flood scenes in the South Melbourne and Port Melbourne area - undated. Photo No. 6 has been identified as Crockford St Port Melbourne. The image with the bridge is possibly Montague St. The photo on the left with a horse drawn cart, has the factory of Jones and Dunn Furniture Manufacturers.Yields information about a flood in the Port Melbourne area.Composite photograph of flood scenes in Melbourne - undated.Melbourne – Floods in the suburbs, No. 6 Crockford St Port Melbourne. Copy neg Mark Plummer collections ex late John Alfred collection.cable trams, melbourne, floods, crockford st, port melbourne, bridges, south melbourne -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kane's Bridge destroyed by the 1934 Flood, 1934
In 1928 a footbridge was erected to link Kew with the public golf course across the Yarra. The total cost of construction came to 250 pounds and the bridge became known as Kane's Bridge. During the 1934 floods the bridge was washed downstream, and was subsequently rebuilt. The present form of the bridge resembles the earlier bridge which crossed from the Yarra Bend Asylum to Kew, further upstream. (VHD)Black and white positive print (identical to 2021.70 but with a different annotation) showing the destruction of Kane's Bridge in the floods of 1934. The Kodak paper would indicate a 1950s reprinting.Annotation verso: "Kane's Bridge in 1934 flood / Dec. 1934.kane's bridge, river yarra, yarra valley, 1934 floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov-Dec 2004, February 2005
... Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak GC400-8diamond creek, eltham, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov-Dec 2004, 2004
... Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak GC400-8diamond creek, eltham, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov-Dec 2004, Frebruary 2005
... Cleaning up debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak GC400-8diamond creek, eltham, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov-Dec 2004, February 2005
... Debris following flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak GC400-8diamond creek, eltham, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Aftermath of flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov-Dec 2004, 2004
... Aftermath of flooding of the Diamond Creek in Eltham, Nov ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 7 stripsKodak GC400-8diamond creek, eltham, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Flooding of Diamond Creek, Eltham, Feb 2005, 2005
... Flooding of Diamond Creek, Eltham, Feb 2005 ...Two colour photographs of the Diamond Creek floodwater; two at Souter Street and one looking north across the Eltham Rugby Union Football Club oval towards the Bridge Street bridge, Feb 2005eltham, diamond creek, floods, souter street, bridge street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Diamond Creek flooding over the Main Road footbridge, Eltham, c.Aug. 1996
... Diamond Creek flooding over the Main Road footbridge ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 5 of 6 stripsKodak Gold 100-5diamond creek, footbridge, main road, floods -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Diamond Creek flooding over the Main Road footbridge, Eltham, c.Aug. 1996
... Diamond Creek flooding over the Main Road footbridge ...Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 5 of 6 stripsKodak Gold 100-5diamond creek, footbridge, main road, floods