Historical information

The gasworks in Anstruther St, allowed the streets of Echuca to be lit at night, therefore improving the safety of the citizens of the town. The gasworks were operational for many year providing cooking and lighting facilities to houses as well as to the streets. This picture shows the height of the flood in either 1906 or 1916? The Senior Citizens Club now stands on the site. The Central Kindergarten and Echuca Primary School are also nearby.


This postcard is significant because it shows the height of the floods before the town levee banks had been built. It also shows the need for flood proofing the town. It also shows the size of the gasworks in the early 20th Century. The Senior Citizens Club is currently built on this site.

Physical description

A rectangular black and white postcard showing the gasworks in Anstruther Street, during a high flood, in either 1906 or 1916. The gasworks site is now the site of the Senior Citizens Club. A picket fence surrounds the gasworks and there are two men rowing a row boat passed the works in the flood water.

Inscriptions & markings

On the front of the postcard in white hand writing are written the words 'Flood Water - Echuca.' On the back of the postcard the following words are printed. "W.Grimwood. Echuca. POST CARD. Correspondence. Address Only. Kodak Australia." Handwritten in pen are the words "Old Gasworks Anstruther Street. Now site Senior Citizens Club" Handwritten in pencil are the words "1906 or 1916"